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This is a component made on top of the Mat Select component of the Material Angular library. The SearchMatSelect features a search box to find the avaliable options and a select all option, it as well offers keybord navigation for accessibility.

The source code is avaliable on Github and a demo is avaliable here.

1. How to...

  • import to your project

    • Install search-mat-select in your project.
      npm install search-mat-select
    • Then, import the SearchMatSelectModule to your app.module.ts.
      import { SearchMatSelectModule } from 'search-mat-select';
      imports: [
    • Finally, use the component lib-search-mat-select wherever you want
        inputLabel="Brazilian States"
        selectAllLabel="Mark all"
        filterLabel="Search for a Brazilian state">
  • set the select options

    Use the attribute data.

    Note: the data passed to the search-select-mat-input MUST extend from the GenericData interface avaliable in the SearchSelectMatInputComponent class.

  • set the input label

    Use the attribute inputLabel to set the label/placeholder of the closed select input.

  • add the Select All/Mark All checkbox

    Use the data binding attribute [showSelectAll] to enable showing the option.

    • [showSelectAll]="true"
    • [showSelectAll]="false"
    • Use the atribute filterLabel to set Select All checkbox label
  • choose between a one option or multiple selector

    Use the data binding attribute [selectMultiple] to switch between one option only or multiple selector.

    • [selectMultiple]="true"
    • [selectMultiple]="false"
  • change mat input appearance

    Use the appearance attribute as done in a mat input.

    • appearance="legacy"
    • appearance="standard"
    • appearance="outline"
    • appearance="fill"

    Note: Default appearance is outline

  • change mat input float label behavior

    Use the floatLabel attribute as done in a mat input

    • floatLabel="auto"
    • floatLabel="always"
  • handle events

    For now, there is only one event emitted from the SearchSelectMatInput.

    • (selectionChange)
      • This event emits GenericData[] every time an option is selected or deselected.

2. Accessibility

Navigation through keyboard is avaliable on this component, see bellow the avaliable navigation keys and shortcuts:

  • enter
    • Opens the select options.
    • Selects the hovered option.
  • up/down/left/right
    • Navigates through the options.

    Note: When clicked, the filter input will blur.

  • ctrl + s
    • Focuses the filter input.

    Note: shift + tab won't focus the filter input, instead use ctrl + s.

  • escape
    • Unfocuses the filter input.
    • Closes the select options.

    Note: tab will NOT navigate properly inside selects overall, this neither.