- Lecture and seminar materials for each week are in ./week* folders, see README.md for materials and instructions
- Any technical issues, ideas, bugs in course materials, contribution ideas - add an issue
- The current version of the course is conducted in autumn 2020 at the CS Faculty of HSE
week01 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
- Lecture: Signals, Fourier transform, Spectrograms, MFCC and etc
- Seminar: Intro in PyTorch, DevOps, R&D in Deep Learning
week02 Automatic Speech Recognition I
- Lecture: Metrics, Attention, LAS, CTC, BeamSearch
- Seminar: Docker, W&B, Augmentations for Audio
week03 Automatic Speech Recognition II
- Lecture: LM Fusing, RNN Transducer, Schedule Sampling, BPE
- Seminar: Jasper, QurtzNet, Mixed Precision Training, DDP/DP
week04 Key-word spottind (KWS) and Voice Activity Detection (VAD)
- Lecture: (DNN, CNN, RNN+Attention) based KWS, SVDF, Orthogonality Regularization and other Tricks
- Seminar: Speeding Up NNs: Tensor Decomposition, Quantization, Pruning, Distilation and Architecture Design
week05 Speaker verification and identification
- Lecture: Metric Learning: Cosine, Contrastive, Triplet Losses. Angular Softmax. ArcFace
- Seminar: Generalized End2End Loss for Speaker Verification
week06 Text to Speech
- Lecture: Tacotron, DeepVoice, GST, FastSpeech, Attention Tricks
- Seminar: Location-Sensitive Attention
week07 Neural Vocoders
- Lecture: Introduction into generative models: AR, GAN, NF. WaveNet, ParallelWaveNet, WaveGlow, WaveFlow, MelGAN, PWG.
week08 Voice Conversion
- Lecture: AutoVC, ConVoice, TTS Skins, StarGAN-VC-1-2, CycleGAN-1-2-3, Blow
week09 Music Generation
- Lecture: VQVAE, Sparse Transformer, MuseNet, JukeBox
week10 Speech Enhancement, Denoising and Speaker Diarization
- Lecture: SEGAN, TF Masking, HiFi Denoising, Speaker Diarization, VAD
week11 Self-supervision in Audio and Speech
- Lecture: Intro to SS Learning. InfoNCE, CPC
DSP Implementation of basic ops like FFT, Spectrogram and MelScale
ASR Implementation of small ASR model, beam search and LM fusing
KWS Implementation of attention based KWS model, streaming scoring and model distillation
TTS Implementation of TTS model with different tricks
NV Implementation of Neural Vocoder Model
Course materials and teaching performed by