
Proof-of-concept implementation of a cryptographic multilinear maps on the integers

Primary LanguageC++

An implementation of multilinear maps over the integers

This is an implementation of cryptographic multilinear maps, used to perform a one-round n-party (unauthenticated) Diffie-Hellman key exchange. This implementation is described in the following article:

[1] J.-S. Coron, T. Lepoint and M. Tibouchi, "Practical Multilinear Maps over the Integers". Available at http://eprint.iacr.org/2013/183.

This proof-of-concept implementation is done in C++ using the GMP library http://gmplib.org/


In cryptography, a multilinear map is a mapping between useful cryptographic groups, which allows the construction of new cryptographic schemes based on the reduction of one problem in one group to a different problem in the target group.

A first candidate for multilinear maps has been described by Garg, Gentry and Halevi in

[2] S. Garg, C. Gentry and S. Halevi, "Candidate Multilinear Maps from Ideal Lattices and Applications". Proceedings of Eurocrypt 2013, available at http://eprint.iacr.org/2012/610.

The main difference with bilinear pairings is that the encoding a_i * g of an element a_i is randomized instead of deterministic; only the final multilinear map e(a_1g, ..., a_kg) is a deterministic function of the $a_i$'s only.


This scheme (as in [2]) requires a trusted generator to compute the public values. This entity knows a master secret that allows her to decode all encodings (it is similar to a "trapdoor discrete logarithm" system).

Define n secret eta-bit primes p_i of product x0=p_1*...*p_n, n alpha-bit primes g_i and a secret large integer z invertible mod x_0 (master secret) and publish the product x0.

A level-k encoding of a vector m=(m_1, ..., m_n) if an integer defined modulo x_0 such that

c = (r_i * g_i + m_i) / z^k mod p_i

where the r_i's are small integers.

One can add two encodings at the same level k and obtain and encoding at level k of the component-wise sum of the m vectors.

On can also multiply two encodings at levels k_1 and k_2 and obtain an encoding of the component-wise product of the m vectors at level k_1+k_2.

However, the noises r_i grow in the encodings after additions or multiplications. Therefore the parameters must be chosen so that a target number of operations can be achieved.

For level kappa encodings, the trusted authority publishes a zero-testing parameter p_zt which allows to test whether an encoding c at level kappa (only) is an encoding of 0 or not. The element is given by the formula

p_zt = h_1*(z^kappa * g_1^(-1) mod p_1)p_2...p_n + ... + h_n(z^kappa * g_n^(-1) mod p_n)p_1...*p_(n-1) mod x0

where the h_i's are small integers. Therefore when we multiply a level kappa encoding c with p_zt we get

p_ztc = h_1(r_1 + m_1*(g_1^(-1) mod p_1))p_2...p_n + ... + h_n(r_n + m_n*(g_n^(-1) mod p_1))p_1...*p_(n-1) mod x0

When all the m_i=0 for all i, since the r_i's and h_i's are small, p_ztc is a lot smaller than x0. Therefore the MSB of p_ztc depends only on the m_i's and not on the r_i's.

Notice that this zero-testing element does not allow to decrypt, just to test whether the m_i are all equal to 0 or not.


We provide a proof-of-concept implementation of the multilinear maps scheme running on a N-multipartite Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol.

The implementation is done using C++ with the GMP library, available at http://gmplib.org

Modify the Makefile accordingly and type:

$ make
$ ./multimap

The program demonstrates how a setup phase is performed, and simulates the view of N users. The parameters can me modified in Multimap.h and main.cpp. Notice the following parameters:

in main.cpp

#define LINUX (if you run on Linux, uses CLOCK_MONOTONIC)

#define VERBOSE (if you want to verbose the code)

in Multimap.h


According to the value of INSTANTIATION, different parameters set are used.

/!\ WARNING: due to the design of the code, the CRT coefficients are stored during the program execution. Therefore the parameters 3 and 4 require a large amount of RAM (around 100GB for INSTANTIATION 4). The program is easy to modify to recompute these CRT coefficients each time but this induces a significant computational overhead.

NB: Instead of takings the p_i's as prime numbers the program generate them as products of (not so small) primes; therefore one should check whether the security claimed from the parameters with the p_i's primes still hold in that case.

This simplification is due to the function mpz_nextprime() used in the program (which is clearly not optimal). Besides, in a similar approach in a real application, one should ensure that x0 is hard to factorize.

NB 2: Note that the Setup party is only to be run once by a (trusted) third party. One might consider it to be accessible as a common (public) knowledge by all the parties; therefore this step can be forgotten when considering the performances of the multilinear maps.


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