nameservice is a blockchain built using Cosmos SDK and Tendermint and created with Starport.
curl! | bash
starport chain serve
command installs dependencies, builds, initializes, and starts your blockchain in development.
Your blockchain in development can be configured with config.yml
. To learn more, see the Starport docs.
We want to construct a name service chain, which allows:
Everyone can be a creator, to create a new name and become its owner
- Name cannot be duplicated
Owner of a name can set its price + sale status (for sale nor not for sale)
Buyer (other than owner), can buy a created name and become new owner
- When buyer successfully buys, his token will be transferred to owner
- Owner of the name will be set to buyer
starport chain serve
- Create a new name:
nameserviced tx nameservice create-name example 1000 true --from alice -y
- Check if new name created
nameserviced query nameservice info example
forSale: "true"
owner: cosmos1d666nk8lrlmlhwv3jfcfzuxdx6289ng6njzewk
price: 1000token
- Change sale status
nameserviced tx nameservice change-sale-status example 100 false --from alice
Query to check name information again:
nameserviced query nameservice info example
forSale: "false"
owner: cosmos1d666nk8lrlmlhwv3jfcfzuxdx6289ng6njzewk
price: 100token
- To buy a name (have to change sale status to true):
nameserviced tx nameservice buy example 100 --from bob -y
Yet should check name info again
forSale: "false"
owner: cosmos1zmktwk3w3g6fgh6mk95z6xmkya2qz5j0grk25p
price: 100token