
Easy-to-use library to boost AI inference leveraging multiple DL compilers

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

How Nebullvm WorksBenchmarksInstallationGet Started

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nebullvm speeds up AI inference by 5-20x in just a few lines of code 🚀

How Nebullvm Works

This open-source library takes your AI model as input and outputs an optimized version that runs 5-20 times faster on your machine. Nebullvm tests multiple deep learning compilers to identify the best possible way to execute your model on your specific hardware, without impacting the accuracy of your model.

The goal of nebullvm is to let any developer benefit from deep learning (DL) compilers without having to spend tons of hours understanding, installing, testing and debugging this powerful technology.

The library aims to be:

💻 Deep learning model agnostic. nebullvm supports all the most popular architectures such as transformers, LSTMs, CNNs and FCNs.

🤖 Hardware agnostic. The library now works on most CPUs and GPUs and will soon support TPUs and other deep learning-specific ASICs.

🔥 Framework agnostic. nebullvm supports the most widely used frameworks (PyTorch, TensorFlow and Hugging Face) and will soon support many more.

🔑 Secure. Everything runs locally on your machine.

☘️ Easy-to-use. It takes a few lines of code to install the library and optimize your models.

Leveraging the best deep learning compilers. There are tons of DL compilers that optimize the way your AI models run on your hardware. It would take tons of hours for a developer to install and test them at every model deployment. The library does it for you!

Do you like the concept? Leave a ⭐ if you enjoy the project. And happy acceleration 🚀🚀

Technology demonstration and benchmarks

Technology demonstration

We suggest testing the library on your AI models right away by following the installation instructions below. If you want to get a first feel for the library's capabilities, we have built 3 notebooks where the library can be tested on the most popular AI frameworks Tensorflow, PyTorch and Hugging Face.

The notebooks will run locally on your hardware, so you can get an idea of the performance you would achieve with nebullvm on your AI models. Note that it will take several minutes to install the library the first time.


We have tested nebullvm on popular AI models and hardware from leading vendors.

  • Hardware: M1 Pro, NVIDIA T4, Intel Xeon, AMD EPYC
  • AI Models: EfficientNet, Resnet, SqueezeNet, BERT, GPT2

The table below shows the response time in milliseconds (ms) of the non-optimized model and the optimized model for the various model-hardware couplings as an average value over 100 experiments. It also displays the speedup provided by nebullvm, where speedup is defined as the response time of the optimized model over the response time of the non-optimized model.

M1 Pro M1 Pro optimized M1 pro speedup Intel Xeon Intel Xeon optimized Intel Xeon speedup AMD EPYC AMD EPYC optimized AMD EPYC speedup Nvidia T4 Nvidia T4 optimized Nvidia T4 speedup
EfficientNetB0 215.0 ms 24.4 ms 8.8x 53.6 ms 19.2 ms 2.8x 121.3 ms 47.1 ms 2.6x 12.9 ms 0.3 ms 39.2x
EfficientNetB1 278.8 ms 33.6 ms 8.3x 74.8 ms 27.1 ms 2.8x 175.0 ms 70.4 ms 2.5x 18.0 ms 0.3 ms 54.5x
EfficientNetB2 284.9 ms 36.8 ms 7.8x 86.4 ms 30.0 ms 2.9x 199.1 ms 75.1 ms 2.7x 36.9 ms 0.4 ms 105.5x
EfficientNetB3 370.1 ms 50.4 ms 7.4x 101.8 ms 42.8 ms 2.4x 279.8 ms 118.0 ms 2.4x 20.3 ms 0.3 ms 59.6x
EfficientNetB4 558.9 ms 71.0 ms 7.9x 136.6 ms 64.3 ms 2.1x 400.5 ms 159.1 ms 2.5x 24.9 ms 0.3 ms 73.2x
EfficientNetB5 704.3 ms 99.8 ms 7.1x 189.5 ms 88.9 ms 2.1x 570.2 ms 249.5 ms 2.3x 31.2 ms 0.3 ms 91.9x
Resnet18 18.5 ms 15.8 ms 1.2x 57.4 ms 37.9 ms 1.5x 164.3 ms 121.9 ms 1.4x 9.4 ms 0.3 ms 27.6x
SqueezeNet 15.3 ms 7.9 ms 1.9x 39.1 ms 17.3 ms 2.3x 119.0 ms 58.7 ms 2.0x 8.9 ms 0.3 ms 26.1x
GPT2 - 10 tokens 29.7 ms 10.8 ms 2.8x 63.4 ms 44.6 ms 1.4x 180.7 ms 59.1 ms 3.1x 15.3 ms 4.4 ms 3.5x
Bert - 8 tokens 39.4 ms 6.2 ms 6.4x 44.9 ms 39.3 ms 1.1x 148.4 ms 46.5 ms 3.2x 10.4 ms 3.8 ms 2.7x
Bert - 512 tokens 489.5 ms 276.4 ms 1.8x 801.7 ms 782.8 ms 1.0x 5416.7 ms 2710.7 ms 2.0x 31.3 ms 27.4 ms 1.1x
_________________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

At first glance, we can observe that speedup varies greatly across hardware-model couplings. Overall, the library provides great positive results, most ranging from 2 to 30+ times speedup.

To summarize, the results are:

  • nebullvm provides positive acceleration to non-optimized AI models
  • These early results show poorer (yet positive) performance on Hugging Face models. Support for Hugging Face has just been released and improvements will be included in future versions
  • The library provides a ~2-3x boost on Intel and AMD hardware. These results are most likely related to an already highly optimized implementation of PyTorch for x86 devices
  • Nebullvm delivers extremely good performance on NVIDIA machines
  • The library provides great performances also on Apple M1 chips

And across all scenarios, nebullvm is very useful for its ease of use, allowing you to take advantage of deep learning compilers without having to spend hours studying, testing and debugging this technology.

Installation and Get Started

Step 1: Installation of nebullvm library

There are two ways to install nebullvm:

  1. Using PyPI. We suggest installing the library with pip to get the stable version of nebullvm
  2. From source code to get the latest features

Option A: Installation with PyPI (recommended)

The easiest way to install nebullvm is by using pip, running

pip install nebullvm

Option B: Source code installation

To install the source code you have to clone the directory on your local machine using git.

git clone https://github.com/nebuly-ai/nebullvm.git

Then, enter the repo and install nebullvm with pip.

cd nebullvm
pip install .

Step 2: Installation of deep learning compilers

Now you need to install the compilers that the library leverages to create the optimized version of your models. We have built an auto-installer to install them automatically. Note that it will take several minutes to install all compilers and we recommend following the second option below to avoid any installation issues.

Option A: Installation at the first optimization run

The auto-installer is activated after you import nebullvm and perform your first optimization. You may run into import errors related to the deep learning compiler installation, but you can ignore these errors/warnings. It is also recommended restarting the python kernel between the auto-installation and the first optimization, otherwise not all compilers will be activated.

Option B: Installation before the first optimization run (recommended)

To avoid any problems, we strongly recommend running the auto-installation before performing the first optimization by running

python -c "import nebullvm"

You should ignore at this stage any import warning resulting from the previous command.

Option C: Selective installation of DL compilers

The library automatically installs all DL compilers it supports. However, for some reason you may be interested in bypassing the automatic installation. If this is the case, you can simply export the environment variable NO_COMPILER_INSTALLATION=1 by running


from your command line or adding

import os
os.environ["NO_COMPILER_INSTALLATION"] = "1"

in your python code before importing nebullvm for the first time.

Note that auto-installation of open-source compilers is done outside the nebullvm wheel. Installations of ApacheTVM and Openvino have been tested on macOS, linux distributions similar to Debian and CentOS.

The feature is still in an alpha version, so we expect that it may fail under untested circumstances.

Step 2-bis: Install TVM

Since the TVM compiler needs to be installed from the source code, its installation can take several minutes (or even hours) for being performed. For this reason we decided to not include it in the default auto-installer. However, if you want to squeeze out the maximum of the performance from your model on your machine, we highly recommend installing TVM as well. With nebullvm it is super-easy! Just run

python -c "from nebullvm.installers.installers import install_tvm; install_tvm()"

and wait for the compiler to be installed! You can check that everything worked running

python -c "from tvm.runtime import Module"

Possible installation issues

MacOS: the installation may fail on MacOS for MacBooks with the Apple Silicon chip, due to scipy compilation errors. The easy fix is to install scipy with another package manager such as conda (the Apple Silicon distribution of Mini-conda) and then install nebullvm. For any additional issues do not hesitate to open an issue or contact directly info@nebuly.ai by email.

Get Started

Nebullvm reduces the computation time of deep learning model inference by 5-20 times by testing multiple deep learning compilers and identifying the best possible way to execute your model on your specific hardware, without impacting the accuracy of your model.

Currently nebullvm supports models in the pytorch, tensorflow and huggingface frameworks, and many others will be included soon. Models can be easily imported from one of the supported frameworks using the appropriate feature as explained below.

And please leave a ⭐. If many will like the library, we will keep building new and cool features. We have a long list of them!

Optimization with PyTorch

Here we present an example of optimizing a pytorch model with nebullvm:

>>> import torch
>>> import torchvision.models as models
>>> from nebullvm import optimize_torch_model
>>> model = models.efficientnet_b0()
>>> bs, input_sizes = 1, [(3, 256, 256)]
>>> save_dir = "."
>>> optimized_model = optimize_torch_model(
... model, batch_size=bs, input_sizes=input_sizes, save_dir=save_dir
... )
>>> x = torch.randn((bs, *input_sizes[0]))
>>> res = optimized_model(x)

Optimization with TensorFlow

The same optimization can be achieved with a tensorflow model using the function nebullvm.optimize_tf_model.

>>> from nebullvm import optimize_tf_model
>>> from tensorflow.keras.applications.resnet50 import ResNet50
>>> model = ResNet50()
>>> bs, input_sizes = 1, [(224, 224, 3)]
>>> save_dir = "."
>>> optimized_model = optimize_tf_model(
...    model, batch_size=bs, input_sizes=input_sizes, save_dir=save_dir
... )
>>> res = optimized_model(*optimized_model.get_inputs_example())

Optimization with ONNX

The similar optimization can be achieved with an onnx model using the function nebullvm.optimize_onnx_model.

>>> from nebullvm import optimize_onnx_model
>>> model_path = "path-to-onnx-model"
>>> bs, input_sizes = 1, [(224, 224, 3)]
>>> save_dir = "."
>>> optimized_model = optimize_onnx_model(
...    model_path, batch_size=bs, input_sizes=input_sizes, save_dir=save_dir
... )
>>> res = optimized_model(*optimized_model.get_inputs_example())

Optimization with Hugging Face

To make nebullvm work with huggingface we changed the API slightly so that you can use the optimize_huggingface_model function to optimize your model.

Note that the current version of nebullvm only supports Hugging Face models built on top of pytorch. Support for TensorFlow will be included in future releases.

>>> from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2Model
>>> from nebullvm.api.frontend.huggingface import optimize_huggingface_model
>>> tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')
>>> model = GPT2Model.from_pretrained('gpt2')
>>> text = "Replace me by any text you'd like."
>>> encoded_input = tokenizer(text, return_tensors='pt')
>>> optimized_model = optimize_huggingface_model(
...     model=model,
...     tokenizer=tokenizer,
...     target_text=text,
...     batch_size=1,
...     max_input_sizes=[
...       tuple(value.size()[1:]) 
...       for value in encoded_input.values()
...     ],
...     save_dir=".",
...     extra_input_info=[{}, {"max_value": 1, "min_value": 0}],
...     use_torch_api=False
... )
>>> res = optimized_model(**encoded_input)

Testing the library on your models

If you want to compare the performance of a model optimized by nebullvm with its non-optimized version, you can find guidelines in the notebooks presented in the section Technology demonstration.

Supported frameworks

  • PyTorch
  • TensorFlow
  • Hugging Face

Supported deep learning compilers

  • OpenVINO
  • TensorRT
  • TVM
  • MLIR (Coming soon 🚀)


You are interested in making AI more efficient? You want to meet other people sharing the vision of an efficient AI which is actually easy to use without needing deep knowledge on the hardware side? Join us in the Nebuly tribe on Discord!


Nebullvm builds on the outstanding work being accomplished by the open-source community and major hardware vendors on deep learning compilers. Currently nebullvm supports as AI compilers:

How Nebullvm WorksBenchmarksInstallationGet Started

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