
Project of the the subject SLR201 for the philosophers dinner with sockets

Primary LanguageJava

Project: Philosophers

Local Version (exe3_philosophes_remote)

The local version of the project is available in the exe3_philosophes_remote package. To run the application, execute the Main.java class.

Remote Socket Version (tp_socket)

The remote socket version of the project is available in the tp_socket package. Follow the steps below to run the server and client:


java -cp bin tp_socket.MainServer <<port>> <<output type: console or file>>


java -cp bin tp_socket.MainServer 12345 console


For example:

java -cp bin tp_socket.MainClient <<IP Address>> <<port>> <<output type: console or file>>


java -cp bin tp_socket.MainClient 12345 console

Note: Replace <<port>>, <<output type: console or file>>, and <<IP Address>> with the appropriate values.