Vehicle Counting with YOLO

This project uses the YOLO (You Only Look Once) object detection model to count vehicles in a video. The code processes each frame of the video to detect and track vehicles, providing a count of the detected objects within a defined region of interest (ROI).

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation
  4. Usage
  5. How It Works
  6. Customization
  7. Results


  • Detects and counts vehicles in a video using the YOLO model.
  • Customizable region of interest (ROI) for counting objects.
  • Visualizes object detection and tracking in real-time.
  • Supports multiple object classes (e.g., vehicles, pedestrians).
  • Outputs a processed video with counted objects and tracked trajectories.


  • Python 3.7+
  • OpenCV
  • Ultralytics YOLO


  1. Clone this repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd vehicle-counting-yolo
  3. Install the required packages:
    pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Place your video file in the data/videos directory.

  2. Modify the video_path variable in the code to point to your video file:

    cap = cv2.VideoCapture("data/videos/video.mp4")
  3. Run the script:

  4. The processed video will be saved as object_counting_output.avi in the project directory.

How It Works

  1. Loading the Model: The pre-trained YOLO model is loaded to detect objects in the video frames.
  2. Video Processing: The video is processed frame by frame to detect and track objects.
  3. Object Counting: Objects that pass through the defined region of interest (ROI) are counted.
  4. Output: The processed video with the counted objects and their tracked paths is saved and displayed.


  • Region of Interest (ROI): Modify the line_points variable to change the area where objects are counted.
    line_points = [(170, 400), (1100, 400)]  # Define your ROI points here
  • Object Classes: You can specify which object classes to count using the classes_to_count variable.
    classes_to_count = [0, 2]  # Modify the class IDs as needed


The processed video will display:

  • Bounding boxes around detected objects.
  • Trajectories of tracked objects.
  • Count of objects crossing the defined ROI.