# Flood-It Solver <img src="./docs/flood-it-ilustration.png" alt="FloodIt Puzzle" width="200"/> Create a solver for this FloodIt puzzle. ## Game Example https://hokama.com.br/disciplinas/cic111_2022s1/trabalho01/online.html?sz=6&nc=6 ## Project Description [Detailed project description file](docs/trabalho01.pdf). ## Install and Execute The pré requisite for the installation is a debian like envirioment, and install the GCC compiler. For gcc you can install with: ```sh sudo apt install build-essential ``` If you have make installed, just run in src folder the following command: ```sh cd src make ``` Alternativily, you can execute with gcc command: ```sh gcc *.c -Wall -pedantic-errors -o programa ``` And run the programan with: ```sh echo ../casos-testes/entradas/entrada01.txt ../output/saida01heur.txt | ./programa ``` ## Test Cases There are examples in casos-testes directory. The entradas folder has the input files that will be readed by program, and in imagens-ilustrativas folder has the images represent the respective imput file, like the following image: ![Test Cases](./casos-testes/imagens-ilustrativas/entrada01.png).