On the Role of a Financial Support Program in Mitigating the Sars-CoV-2 Spread in Brazil

All the scripts listed here are written in MATLAB and are part of a project that estimates the impact of the Brazilian socioeconomic program Auxilio Emergencial on mitigating the SARS-CoV-2 spread in Brazil.

The project members are Vinicius V.L. Albani, Roseane A.S. Albani, Nara Bobko, Eduardo Massad, and Jorge P. Zubelli.


There are two main folders: "codes" and "data". The scripts in the folder "codes" estimate a SEIR-type model from daily reports of COVID-19 in the Brazilian States. The scripts also evaluate scenarios where Auxilio Emergencial is not operational in the first COVID-19 outbreak in 2020. The folder "data" has a series of files with data relevant to the analysis, such as the daily values of the so-called Social Isolation Index (SII) (files starting with IIS). It also has a script that evaluates the correlation between daily changes in the SII and daily changes in the reproduction number, as well as a script that generate the plots in the supplementary material of the manuscript.

Contact: Prof. Vinicius V.L. Albani: v.albani@ufsc.br.