A workflow for front end development for users of Adobe Experience Manager aka Adobe CQ using gulpjs. Warning: this requires a decent amount of gulp knowledge. But its worth it.
Use this to do tools for working with AEM's front end tasks. This app does the following tasks:
- SASS watch for changes to files, and then compile, create sourcemap, compress, "vault" to JCR using cURL, toast notify and livereload the browser (Chrome only).
- Javascript watch for changes to files, and then concat, minify, uglify, create inline sourcemap, vault, livereload.
- Manually build local AEM instances via special commands, see below.
The heart of this app is using cURL -T (send a file via HTTP POST) to send up compiled CSS and JS to the JCR without having to bother with vlt or (ugh) vaultclipse. It is VERY fast and way better than any of the alternatives. This allows you to decouple your front end assets from AEM and avoid clientlibraries which as of at least 5.6 have caused constant headaches, to me at least. Also of course allows you to use SASS at all. Be careful with the order (alphabetical) of your pre-concatted javascript files! I haven't had a lot of luck with gulp-order and that is excluded from this app for now.
Install node.js http://nodejs.org/download/. Install ruby http://rubyinstaller.org/. Install chrome livereload extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/livereload/jnihajbhpnppcggbcgedagnkighmdlei and click the extension button on your localhost page instance. Install and run growl (windows users) http://www.growlforwindows.com/gfw/. Install sass:
gem install sass
Git clone this repo next to your main AEM repo - it must be a sibling (or you'll have to change paths manually of course). Then:
cd AEM-gulp-sass-workflow
npm install -g gulp
npm install
Edit the gulpfile in a way that makes sense relative to your AEM codebase repo, not your AEM installation.
In addition, this app can build AEM local instances without needing to go through eclipse. This is hard coded in and will depend on the innards of your .BUILD files and almost certainly need to be manually tweaked. The 4 commands are:
gulp build-publish
gulp build-publish-3rdpartyjars
gulp build-author
gulp build-author-3rdpartyjars