docker run --name gostack_postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
yarn typeorm migration:run
docker run --name mongodb -p 27017:27017 -d -t mongo
docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d -t redis:alpine
- The user should recover your password by indicating your email
- The user should be receiving an email with instructions to recover
- The user should recover your password
- Use the lib Mailtrap to test send mails in the developer environment
- Use Amazon SES to send in the production environment
- Send mails should happen in a background job
- The email link expires in 2h
- The password should be confirmed by the user
- The user should update your name, email, and password
- The user cannot update your email to already used email
- To update your password, the user should be filling your old password
- To update your password, the user should confirm your new password
- The user should be list yours appointments from a specific day
- The provider should ever receive a notification when there a new appointment
- The provider should see your notifications not read
- The appointments from the provider should be store in the cache
- The notifications from the provider should be store on MongoDB
- The notifications from the provider should be sent in real-time using
- The notification should be status of reading or not read
- The user should be list all providers
- The user should list all days of the month, with at least a provider available
- The user should be list all clean schedules from a provider on one day
- The user should be a create a new appointment
- The list of providers should be cached
- All appointments should be during 1h
- The appointments should be available between 8h and 18h (first on 8h, last in 17h)
- The user should not be scheduled for provider unavailable in the time
- The user should not be scheduled in the past time
- The user should not be an appointment to yourself