
🎮 Favorite your games filter and see the upcoming games and ! Swift + Combine = 💜 Hacktoberfest 🎃 👾

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Screen Shot 2019-08-28 at 22 25 25

✨ Revill is App to list games and search games

✨ Design in Swift UI + Combine

✨ The idea is develop this app in Hacktober Fest



To Do


  • Define Idea
  • Prototypes
  • Create Project

Figma prototypes here


  • CI Implementation
  • Fastlane implementation


  • Service(In Providey file)
  • Define Architeture(Redux but if you have any idea open the issue for that)
  • Write Tests(This task is just completed when test ever haha)

First Scene

  • Component at Search(With labels and TextField follow Design above)
  • Horizontal list of categories like a section(With label and border follow Design above)
  • Highlighted card, card to describe the highlighted game for each categorie
  • Component at list of games with row at each game(With image, label and categorie)
  • Component to save your favorite games(When tap in heart persist data at DB)
  • Component to list favorite games at categorie of favorite.

Second Scene

  • Component at Banner(With image and skip button)
  • Component at title and description
  • Component to go to stores of the games such as Steam, Humble and Epic links of games.
  • Component for critical reviews and comments from users

If you wanna to open a task, just made a pull-requets


Revill is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.