
An unofficial, and completely bad client (keep in mind it's a weird way of doing this) to use OpenAI's chat in python, feel free to add it to your projects, implement speech recognition, text to speach and whatever something else you think is cool.

Primary LanguagePython

alt text

OpenAI ChatGPT

An unofficial, and completely bad client (keep in mind it's a weird way of doing this) to use OpenAI's Chat GPT in python, feel free to add it to your projects, implement speech recognition, text to speach and whatever something else you think is cool.


alt text

How to configure

  • Open your burp suite browser, log into your account and go to chat page
  • Turn on the interceptation of the requests, send a message in chat
  • Do some fowards and when this endpoint appears:

alt text

  • Send to repeater, now click with right button -> extensions -> Copy as python requests
  • Open main.py file and Ctrl+V into do_request()
  • Now you need to change somethings:
json={"action": "variant", "conversation_id": "...", "messages": [{"content": {"content_type": "text", "parts": ["MESSAGE"]}, "id": "...", "role": "user"}], "model": "...", "parent_message_id": "..."}
#change to:
json={"action": "variant", "conversation_id": "...", "messages": [{"content": {"content_type": "text", "parts": [data_text]}, "id": "...", "role": "user"}], "model": "...", "parent_message_id": "..."}


requests.post(burp0_url, headers=burp0_headers, cookies=burp0_cookies, json=burp0_json)
#change to:
return requests.post(burp0_url, headers=burp0_headers, cookies=burp0_cookies, json=burp0_json).text

How to use

As you want :)

  • python3 main.py "Hello World"

This will work because in script the input is sys.argv[1] ;)