
A simple application as a whole list, made based on a Udemy class, with adaptations. Instead of using node.js and postgree sql backend, I'm using firebase firestore and firebase auth.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

tasks app / lista ai

Simple design To Do List React Native App.

Components used: FlatList, Text, View, Swipeable, TouchableOpacity, TouchableWithowFeedback, AsyncStorage, TextInput, StyleSheet, Modal, Platform, Moment, DateTimePicker, React Native Vector Icons

Methodologies learned: componentDidMount, Async, Await, AsyncStorage, functional component, class-based component.

The project was done without a backend, but throughout its development, the backend function will be added. And option to navigate between screens using React Navigation.

To have options such as: Weekly, Monthly and Daily tasks.

The idea is that it is a good 'todo list' simple and easy to use and will be launched on the Playstore.

Register AreaTasks area