- 🏝 I'm from Recife, Brazil
- 💜 Passionate about front-end and design
- 🛤 Venturing into the back-end
- 📚 Currently improving my knowledge in .NET, Entity, SQL and Java
- 😄 I speak English and Portuguese
- 🕹 In my free time I like to play LOL, watch series, cook and exercise
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C#, .NET, Entity Framework, Angular, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, SQLite, Node, React, Vue, Quasar, jQuery, TypeScript, Express, BootStrap, NPM, YARN, Azure, TypeORM, Jest
Unfortunately, the gap between technology professional men and women is huge, and even greater in leadership positions.
So I have a project on Instagram (@codepwr) where I share tips on technology and encourage the growth of women in the area.