Monokai for Emacs is a port of the popular TextMate theme Monokai by Wimer Hazenberg. The inspiration for the theme came from Bozhidar Batsov and his Zenburn port and Sublime Text 2 which defaults to this color scheme.
I like the colors and I like Emacs. This followed.
The theme uses built-in theming support available Emacs 24 and later.
I recommend using Prelude in conjunction with this theme. Bozhidar Batsov has done some awesome work in making Emacs beautiful and accessable to a newcomer.
Download monokai-theme.el
to the directory ~/.emacs.d/themes/
. Add this to your
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes/")
Now you can load the theme with the interactive function load-theme
like this:
M-x load-theme RET monokai
Monokai is available in both Marmalade and MELPA. Keep in mind the fact the version in the Marmalade repo may not always be up-to-date.
You can install monokai
with the following command:
M-x package-install monokai-theme
To load it automatically on Emacs startup add this to your init file:
(load-theme 'monokai t)
Bugs & Improvements
Please, report any problems that you find on the projects integrated issue tracker. If you've added some improvements and you want them included upstream please send a pull request.
Thank you,<br> Kelvin