Car Dashboard Configuration


All rest calls expects the userId and authorization token in the headers.

  • [GET] /token: returns token for authentication by userId (hardcoded)
  • [GET] /rest/user: fetches user information based on userId
  • [GET] /rest/users/info: fetches user information for all users
  • [POST] /rest/configuration: creates configuration for car and user based on body information.
  • [PUT] /rest/configuration: updates configuration for car and user based on body information.
  • [GET] /rest/configuration/{carId}: fetches configuration for user and car.
  • [DEL] /rest/configuration/{configurationId}: deletes a configuration by id.

OpenApi UI (Swagger-UI)

You can access the OpenApi(SwaggerUI) dash-board via: http://localhost:<APP_PORT>/swagger-ui.html

Quick Guide

SpringBoot application with H2 database in-memory (not durable). The PoC has the following elements:

  • Spring Security using token
  • Database layer using Spring Data.
  • It is possible to populate the database with "start-up" data, this info is inside data.sql file inside resources folder.
  • Controller and Service layers implements basic functionalities.
  • It would be nice to plug Swagger to expose the API methods
  • Unit tests still to be implemented.