
Simple example that will be used to show about spring data with specifications and QueryDSL


  • Spring-boot
  • Spring-data
  • QueryDsl
  • Swagger
  • MapStruct
  • Lombok
  • Maven

Pre-Steps database

As a pre-step we will need to install the database that we are going to use for this example. As a suggestion you can use the docker-compose file, present inside dbscript folder to start you local database and use for this example. The database that we are using is PostgreSql.

Start the docker container

First of all we need to start our docker container with postgress.

$ cd $CODE_HOME\dbscript
$ docker-compose up -d

Create our database and adding a sample data

After your container is up, execute these commands.

  • Connect to database:
$ docker-compose run db psql -h my_local_postgres -U postgres

As password use the one that is configured on docker-compose file, that should be: postgres00.

  • Create new database customer:
create user customer password 'customer';
create database customer owner customer ENCODING 'UTF8';
  • Connect with new database and create the tables:
docker-compose run db psql -h my_local_postgres -U customer

As a password you you need to insert the one that you used to create the database, as our example should be customer.

  • Create all tables

Execute the create scripts table present inside $CODE_HOME\dbscript\CustomerDbSession.sql on this file contains all tables and some sample data.


This example has as goal to show/test how to use Spring-Data with specification and QueryDsl, we will have other example only for comparison, for example:

  • Used to show how to create a query based on JPA/Hibernate language(JPQL/HQL);
  • On this class contains one example how to create one query based only on spring data method name;
  • On this class there is one example to how to use JPA Specification without use QueryDsl;
  • specifications package: On this package contains some examples of how to create our queries based on QueryDsl framework;
  • Rest controller to show an example of client search using QueryDsl;

Execute and test it

To execute this sample you will need to:

  • Clone it;
  • Execute pre-steps;
  • Compile the project: mvn clean install
  • Start the application, it'll run on port number: 8081;
  • You can access the swagger page via: http://localhost:8081/swagger-ui.html;