
Archetype created to learn more about archetype generated in Maven.

Primary LanguageJava


Project to create a default spring-bbot template project with some default configurations:

  • Spring-Boot
  • spring actuator with custom path: http://localhost:8080/actuator/*
  • Application server is undertow
  • Modules are : WS, Core, Worker
  • Cache with redis server
  • Swagger configuration
  • ResourceBundle Configuration, please use messages.properties file in core module, to input your messages
  • Metrics configurations. To emtrics works it is necessary input an @Timed annotation (Acesso: http://localhost:8080/actuator/metrics)

Using project

Install project

First you need to install the archetype in your repository:

  • Clone git repository
  • Execute: mvn clean install
  • Now you are able to use it

Using project

After installed project on your repository, it's just you execute this command:


mvn archetype:generate                                    \
  -DarchetypeGroupId=br.com.viniciustoni                  \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=spring-boot-redis-cache-web-worker-core-archetype \
  -DarchetypeVersion=1.0                                  \
  -DgroupId=<GROUP_NAME>                                  \
  -DartifactId=<PROJECT_NAME>                             \

The custom parameters are:

  • GROUP_NAME: Group id of yout project. Ex.: br.com.viniciustoni
  • PROJECT_NAME: Your project name: Ex.: spring-boot-hello-world
  • MODULE_PREFIX: Module's prefix names, use only alphanumeric [a-z][A-Z][0-9]. This parameter will be uses to create modules's prefix name: module_prefix-core, module_prefix-ws, module_prefix-worker: Ex.: helloWorld

Custom configurations

After create your template you will need to configure some thing with your own parameters

WS Module

  • Class SwaggerConfig: You need to change some parameters to swagger create info page: group name, title e description
  • Class TemplateWsApplication: Change to your own class name

Worker Module

  • Class TemplateWorkerQueue: Change to your own class name

Core Module

  • application.yml file: You will need to change cache.names properties to your own cache names.