Starter for NextJS + Tailwind + Supabase

Also including Shadcn UI and React Hook Form with Zod validations


  • Node
  • Docker
  • Supabase CLI

Starting from this Starter

  1. Delete supabase folder to init it from scratch
  2. Run supabase init to setup a new supabase project for the app
  3. Search for occurrences of "MyApp" and replace it with the name of you app
  4. Search for occurrences of "TODO" and fix it according to your needs

Running Locally

  • Start supabase
    supabase start
  • Start the app
    npm run dev

Supabase basics

  • supabase start -x seviceA,serviceB,...: starts supabase without the services after -x
  • supabase migration new create-table-x: creates a new migration
  • supabase migration up: run all migrations pending to run
  • supabase db reset: resets the database an run each migration
  • supabase db push: pushes the migrations to remote supabase project