
React hooks for chrome.storage. You may use it for keeping global state in chrome extensions.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Russian invaders must die. Glory to Ukraine. Тримайтеся, брати!

☝️ This package is for usage in Chrome Extensions. Should work with Firefox extensions but not tested.

Custom React hooks for chrome.storage. You may use it for keeping global persisted state in Chrome Extensions.

Note: Since it's a React hook, it may be used only in the React context. So it's impossible to use this package in the background service worker.

  • Simplify work with chrome.storage
  • Supports chrome.storage.local and chrome.storage.sync
  • May be used as persisted state available in different extension's contexts (content script, popup, options page)
  • Listen for chrome.storage changes and keep local state updated


npm i use-chrome-storage


This package requires the storage permission in manifest.json:

	"name": "My Extension",
	"permissions": [

For usage with chrome.storage.local use useChromeStorageLocal hook. For chrome.storage.sync use useChromeStorageSync hook.

Usage of useChromeStorage

import React from 'react';
import {useChromeStorageLocal} from 'use-chrome-storage';

const LocalCounter = () => {
    // if you need to state be preserved in `chrome.storage.sync` use useChromeStorageSync
    const [value, setValue, isPersistent, error] = useChromeStorageLocal('counterLocal', 0);
    return (
                        onClick={() => {
                            setValue(prev => (prev + 1));
                    Increment in Local Storage
                <div>Value: {value}</div>
                <div>Persisted in chrome.storage.local: {isPersistent.toString()}</div>
                <div>Error: {error}</div>

Usage of createChromeStorageStateHook

If you want to use same key in different components in different extension parts in React context (like in PopUp, content scripts, ) you need to use createChromeStorageStateHookLocal(for chrome.storage.local) or createChromeStorageStateHookSync (for chrome.storage.sync)

Initialize storage:

// common/useSettingsStore.js
import {createChromeStorageStateHookLocal} from 'use-chrome-storage';

const SETTINGS_KEY = 'settings';
    showAvatar: true,
    showHistory: false,

export const useSettingsStore = createChromeStorageStateHookLocal(SETTINGS_KEY, INITIAL_VALUE);

Use useSettingsStore on options page:

// options.js
import React from 'react';
import {useSettingsStore} from './common/useSettingsStore';

const Options = () => {
    const [settings, setSettings, isPersistent, error] = useSettingsStore();

    const handleChange = event => {
        setSettings(prevState => {
            return {
                [event.target.name]: event.target.checked

    return (
                    <span>Show Avatar</span>
                    <span>Show History</span>
                {!isPersistent && <div>Error writing to the chrome.storage: {error}</div>}

Or from content script:

// contentScript.js
import React from 'react';
import Avatar from './common/Avatar';
import History from './common/History';
import {useSettingsStore} from './common/useSettingsStore';

const Card = () => {
    const [settings] = useSettingsStore();

    return (
                {settings.showAvatar && <Avatar/>}
                {settings.showHistory && <History/>}

In the same way you may use it for PopUp.


useChromeStorageLocal(key, initialValue?)

State will be persisted in chrome.storage.local (and updated from chrome.storage.local if it was updated in other contexts). If you want to use this hook in more than one place, use createChromeStorageStateHookLocal.

  • key: string - The key used in chrome.storage.local
  • initialValue: any = undefined - value which will be used if chrome.storage.local has no stored value yet


[value, setValue, isPersistent, error]

  • value: any - stateful value like first one returned from React.useState()
  • setValue: function - function to update value like second one returned from React.useState()
  • isPersistent: boolean - Will be true if data is persisted in chrome.storage.local. In case of error during chrome.storage.local.get or chrome.storage.local.set value will be stored in memory only and isPersistent will be set to false
  • error: string - If isPersistent is true will contain empty string. Otherwise, will contain error returned by chrome.runtime.lastError.

useChromeStorageSync(key, initialValue?)

Similar to useChromeStorageLocal but will use chrome.storage.sync. State will be persisted in chrome.storage.sync (and updated from chrome.storage.sync if it was updated in other contexts). If you want to use this hook in more than one place, use createChromeStorageStateHookSync.

  • key: string - The key used in chrome.storage.sync
  • initialValue: any = undefined - value which will be used if chrome.storage.sync has no stored value yet


[value, setValue, isPersistent, error]

  • value: any - stateful value like first one returned from React.useState()
  • setValue: function - function to update value like second one returned from React.useState()
  • isPersistent: boolean - Will be true if data is persisted in chrome.storage.sync. In case of error during chrome.storage.local.get or chrome.storage.local.set value will be stored in memory only and isPersistent will be set to false
  • error: string - If isPersistent is true will contain empty string. Otherwise, will contain error returned by chrome.runtime.lastError.

createChromeStorageStateHookLocal(key, initialValue?)

In case you want to use same key in different components/extension contextsInstead you may create state hook which may be used across extension. See example. State will be persisted in chrome.storage.local.

  • key: string - The key used in chrome.storage.local
  • initialValue: any = undefined - value which will be used if chrome.storage.local has no stored value yet


function(): [any, (value: any) => void, boolean, string] - useChromeStorageLocal hook which may be used across extension's components/pages

createChromeStorageStateHookSync(key, initialValue?)

Similar to createChromeStorageStateHookLocal but uses chrome.storage.sync. In case you want to use same key in different components/extension contextsInstead you may create state hook which may be used across extension. See example and replace with createChromeStorageStateHookSync. State will be persisted in chrome.storage.sync.

  • key: string - The key used in chrome.storage.sync
  • initialValue: any = undefined - value which will be used if chrome.storage.sync has no stored value yet


function(): [any, (value: any) => void, boolean, string] - useChromeStorageSync hook which may be used across extension's components/pages

Thanks to

use-local-storage-state for inspiration