
A chrome extension color pick application to extract colors from websites and images.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Chrome Extension - Color Picker

Description: A chrome extension color picker application to extract colors from websites and images.

How to use

Set up extension

Access your extension manager:

Chrome extension manager access

Load extension

Check if Chrome is in developer mode and run "Load unpacked extension":

Chrome load unpacked extension

Pin the extension to the browser bar

Chrome fix extension on browser bar

Add colors

Click on the extension icon and select the color picker input:

Adding colors

A menu will popup and allow the color selection and adjustment:

Adding colors

With the color selected, click the button Add on the extension popup interface:

Adding colors

The color will be shown right below:

Adding colors

Change color name

To change the color name just click on it and a new name prompt will popup:

Adding colors

Adding colors

Adding colors

Color code

To see the code of a specific color just hover the mouse over the color entry icon:

Adding colors

Delete color entry

Click on the trash can icon to delete that color entry:

Adding colors

Export to css

As long at least 1 color entry exists, a export button will appear allowing a download of the named colors as css variables:

Adding colors

Adding colors


Folder structure

The application is composed of 5 main parts:

  • root: Defines how the application should run and be set
  • views: Defines the application interface
  • styles: Defines the application theme and appearence
  • scripts: Defines the application behavior
  • imgs: Contains all the image used by the application and this document

Adding colors


At the root of the application is set a configuration file for the code editor, setting some definitions like line indent and others:

Adding colors

The manifest is a json file, required from Google, to comunicate how the application behaves and works:

Adding colors

In this file it is defined the icon images that should be use on the browser


There is only 1 file here that represents what should be shown on the popup interface that appears when the extension button is clicked:

Adding colors

In this html file it is defined a form with a color input and submit button to work as the input setup to save a new color in what is called a "color collection".

Adding colors

A color collection is an array of objects that represents all the colors and names that were saved previosly.


It was used flexbox to display elements in a stacked column.

Colors were separated from the main css file and used as css variables to be easier to manipulate it.

Styles: Definition file

Styles: Color variables


> appFunctions.js

Define all functions that provide business logic of the application.

Function: downloadCssFile(fileContent)

Receives the css file content as a string and execute the download by creating an anchor tag element and executing the click event.

Function: handleColorLabelChange(clickEvent)

Method that is fired when a ColorDefinitionElement intance htmlElement is clicked on the color name. This event is set on the ColorDefinitionElement class constructor.

Changing color name

This function guards agains naming a color with a name already in use and empty strings.

After change both UI and storage are updated with the new value.

Function: handleColorDelete(clickEvent)

Method that is fired when delete button is clicked. It gets the color name and search both in UI and storage, removing that color element.

Adding colors

Function: handleExportToCss()

Method that handles the "Get CSS" button. It parses the current color collection on storage to a string format as css variables. When completed, the result is passed to downloadCssFile function.

Function: handleNewColorEntry(event)

It handles when the button "Add" is clicked saving a new color entry to the color collection.

Adding colors

By reading the event input properties, this function creates ColorDefinitionElement instances which is used to populate the UI.

> ColorDefinitionElement.js

Class that represents a color entry.

This class constructor requires:

  • color: A color code (HEX or RGB) as string
  • index: A number used by the application to avoid repeated numbers, used by new added color.This is only used by colors that do not have a label (name) yet
  • label: A color name as string
  • handleColorLabelChange: An event for handling the color name click event
  • handleColorDelete: An event for handling the color delete

The idea of separating this data as a class is to prevent code repeating across the application (DRY)

About removing the logic of the handleColorLabelChange and handleColorDelete from the class. It makes the application easier to understand and change making the class "uncoupled" from the application.

> domAssets.js

Query all the elements that will be used or referenced from the index.html.

Querying html elements

> extensionLoad.js

The chrome API is used to access the storage and check if the user had already a collection saved.

It is also checked if there is any color saved to show or hide the "Get CSS" export button.

extensionLoad.js: export button hide

In case there is a collection on the storage, for each element in the collection, a ColorDefinition instance is created.

extensionLoad.js: color collection elements compose

Each instance has a property "htmlElement" that return a Html element that represents a color saved, then appended to the container.

> main.js

The main file that is included on the views/index.html. It sets the initial behaviour of the application and sets the event handlers on the interface:

Javascript file: main.js

Special thanks

I would like to thank all people that made CS50 possible on edX. I was able to learn much more about the foundation of the computer science. This chrome extension was done as the final project required at the end of the course and I much satisfied with my progress througout the experience that is CS50.

My honest thanks to David J. Malan and all of the staff envolved with this amazing work and experience called CS50.