Deploying A Fashion Search Engine from Scratch with Beam and FashionCLIP

This is a WIP. Waiting for the blog post to be published. The code is kind of ready to use but without instructions it's not very useful.


This is the code for the following blog post. Best way to use this is to first read the post; it will walk you through the process of deploying a fashion search engine from scratch using Beam and FashionCLIP.

This readme contains basic information on how to install Beam and deploy the search engine.

Basic Installation

To install Beam. You can run the following commands in your terminal:

    curl -sSfL | sh
    beam configure
    pip install beam-sdk

Creating Volumes and Uploading Data

  beam volume upload cache_data fashionbeam_data -a fashion-clip-app

Deploying the Search Engine

    beam deploy