
A thin wrapper to manage Docker containers

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A thin wrapper to manage Docker containers. It just generates command line arguments to be passed to the docker client, based on the chosen command and loading the container configuration data from a manifest file, written in YAML format. So, instead of typing docker run --rm -t -i -e DATABASE_NAME=django_app -e DJANGO_SECRET_KEY --link db_postgres:db -v /home/myhro/projects/django-example:/app python-baseimage python manage.py shell every time you want to access the Django Shell, you would just type rocked run web.yml python manage.py shell, which produces the same result.


Its only dependencies are docopt and PyYAML. We recommend installing system-wide with apt-get, as the installation with pip is not correctlly installing dependencies.


As Rocked is not available on PyPI yet, you have to clone this repository and add its executable to anywhere on your $PATH, e.g.:

sudo apt-get install libyaml-dev libpython2.7-dev python-pip
sudo pip install -U pyyaml
sudo git clone https://github.com/myhro/rocked.git /usr/local/lib/rocked
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/rocked/rocked.py /usr/local/bin/rocked
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then you can just use the rocked command:

[myhro@wheezy:~]$ rocked -h
Rocked, a thin wrapper to manage Docker containers.

    rocked build [--no-cache] <file.yml>
    rocked kill <file.yml>
    rocked logs [-f] <file.yml>
    rocked run [--root] <file.yml> [--] [<command>...]
    rocked restart <file.yml>
    rocked start <file.yml>
    rocked status <file.yml>
    rocked stop <file.yml>
    rocked -h | --help

    -h --help   Show this screen.


The manifest file is written in YAML format. This is the list of supported and required keys:

Key Type Description Required
build string Directory where a Dockerfile to be built is located no
command string Command to be executed on the container no
environment list List of environment variables to be set no
image string Name of the image yes
links list List of other containers to be linked no
name string Name of the container yes
ports list List of ports to be published no
user string User which will run commands instead of root no
volumes list List of volumes to be mounted no


Database container

Create a container based on the postgres image (tag 9.3), named db_postgres and mount a persistent volume to store PostgresSQL's data:

image: "postgres:9.3"
name: "db_postgres"
    - "/var/lib/postgresql/docker:/var/lib/postgresql/data"

Start the container daemon:

[myhro@wheezy:~]$ rocked start db.yml

Web application container

Based on this Dockerfile...

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y build-essential libpq-dev python-dev python-pip
ADD . /app
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

... and this manifest ...

image: "python-baseimage"
build: "."
command: "gunicorn -b django_app.wsgi"
    - "DATABASE_NAME=django_app"
name: "web_djangoapp"
    - "db_postgres:db"
    - "${GUNICORN_PORT}:8000"
    - "${PROJECT_ROOT}:/app"

... build an image prepared to run a Django web application, then serve it using Gunicorn:

[myhro@wheezy:~]$ rocked build web.yml
Step 0 : FROM ubuntu:trusty
 ---> e54ca5efa2e9
Step 5 : RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
 ---> 6c13fc4515aa
Successfully built 8d2d8f4be123
[myhro@wheezy:~]$ rocked start web.yml

Note: environment variables, like ${GUNICORN_PORT} and ${PROJECT_ROOT} will be parsed when reading the manifest.

A note about the rocked run command

With the rocked run command, it's possible to run arbitrary commands in a temporary container, using the image specified on the manifest, like:

[myhro@wheezy:~]$ rocked run web.yml python manage.py migrate

But if the command contains dashes, it needs to be escaped with --, e.g.:

[myhro@wheezy:~]$ rocked run web.yml -- wc -l /etc/passwd

Otherwise it would be interpreted as an argument of Rocked itself.


MIT License