
Exemplo de microservice conteinerizada via Docker com deploy em um Cluster K8S

Primary LanguageKotlin

Example Voting App

Manual Docker Image Build & Push

Login on Docker

docker login

Creating Image

docker build -t example-voting-app .                                            

Tagging Image

docker tag example-voting-app <your-docker-username>/example-voting-app:latest

Pushing Image

docker push <your-docker-username>/example-voting-app:latest                        

Running app locally

To run the app locally, first run Minikube:

minikube start

Then create all vote resources needed:

kubectl apply -f k8s/vote/

Populating database

After postgres pod is running, run the following command to populate the database:

kubectl exec -it <pod db name> -- psql -U postgres

access votedb

\c votedb

populate table

(id, quantity, "name")
VALUES(1, 0, 'cat');

(id, quantity, "name")
VALUES(2, 0, 'dog');


vote-deployment : Deployment of the vote app with pod configuration

vote-service : NodePort service to connect to the app outside of the cluster.

vote-database : Postgres Database of App

vote-service : ClusterIP to connect vote pod with database

Utilities Commands

Get all pods

kubectl get pods

Describe cluster services (showing the IP of the services)

kubectl describe services

Get the URL of the vote service (call access the app outside of cluster)

 minikube service vote

Get the logs of a pod

kubectl logs pod-name

Architecture Draw
