
Primary LanguageGo


The objective of this application is to expose a RESTful API to perform operation over companies data.


  • Go
  • MongoDB
  • Docker


After start up, the API will be avaible listening port 5000 for following endpoints.

Name Path Method Content-Type Description
List all companies /v1/companies GET application/json Retrieve all companies stored in the database.
Search company by name and zip /v1/companies/search?name={value}&zip={value} GET application/json Provides information based on query parameters values. Parameter name can be part of the company's name but zip needs to be the entire zip code of the company. Both parameters must be send in the request.
Create company /v1/companies POST application/json Create a new company. See example here
Merge companies with CSV /v1/companies/merge POST multipart/form-data Parses a valid CSV file and integrate its data with the existent records(Append website on existing records). If the record doesn't exist, it will be discarded. The key of the file must be named "csv". See example here

Request & Response Examples

API Resources

GET /v1/companies

Response body:

    "ID": "5e6ab36fe5574a0006e920e7",
    "name":"TOLA SALES GROUP",
}, ...]

GET /v1/companies/search

Example: /v1/companies/search?name=TOLA&zip=78229

Response body:

    "name":"TOLA SALES GROUP",

POST /v1/companies

Request body:

    "name": "TOLA SALES GROUP",
    "zipCode": "78229"        

POST /v1/companies/merge

CSV format:

Name Address Zip Website
TOLA SALES GROUP 78229 http://repsources.com


First, you need to have docker and docker-compose installed. The instructions can be found here


To run the application execute:

docker-compose up -d

On first time the application will load data in q1_catalog.csv


To perform tests with go, run:

cd app
go test ./tests