
Continuous sampling power and energy monitoring with emonTx3 hardware

Primary LanguageC++


C. B. Markwardt

This is emontx3-continuous, a firmware for emonTx energy monitors using an Arduino microcontroller. Its key benefits are that it provides high rate (19230 samples/second) continuous sample of your power usage and reports cumulative energy use like a utility meter. It reports your active and reactive power usage to allow you to distinguish between resistive, capacitive and inductive loads in your household. It also reports your mains voltage, frequency and mains quality. It is designed to work with the "EmonESP" ESP8266 wifi output, transformer input, and 5V USB.

This firmware is recommended for users who:

  • intend to connect via EmonESP (not the built-in RFM69)
  • have an AC transformer input to measure mains voltage
  • want to achieve maximum accuracy through calibration (which requires rebuilding the firmware using the Arduino IDE)

This firmware is not recommended for users who:

  • use an emonBase (via the on-board RFM69); because RFM69 support is not possible
  • don't have the AC-AC voltage sensor adapter; because the features of emonTx3-continuous require the mains voltage input.

Summary of Version Changes

  • version 1005 - initial release to public
  • version 1006 - bug fix for pulse counting; add ADC_NOTICE_CHAN to allow disregarding one or more current transformer inputs


This firmware is designed to work with the emonTx version 3 series of hardware available from openenergymonitor.org. The hardware consists of up to four current transformers to measure mains power usage, as well as a pulse counter for energy meter monitoring. The hardware also has a RFM69 transmitter that can send data to a base station. However, this firmware cannot use the RFM69 transmitter and is designed to work with an ESP8266 "EmonESP" to transmit to a data collector.

As of this writing, the standard firmware available for the EmonTX performs periodic monitoring of power usage, and hence is not a true energy monitor.

The standard firmware wakes up periodically, samples the mains power on each input in turn, and then goes to sleep for 1 second. This strategy will be acceptable for casual monitoring but does have limitations. Power usage spikes or transients that happen between periodic wake-ups will be missed.

Also, the standard firmware (using EmonLib) samples the inputs slowly using the standard Arduino library functions, and in a non-uniform way that makes interpretation more difficult. Home power usage often has short spikes that can be missed by this strategy. To have accurate measures of true power usage, one desires high rate and uniform sampling.

This firmware, emonTx3-continuous, solves these problems. It performs continuous (non-stop) monitoring of all four hardware inputs to provide true measures of home power usage. The four inputs are sampled at high rate (up to 19230 samples per second, 3846 samples per input channel per second), which provides more than 64 samples per mains AC waveform. It measures mains voltage, current, in-phase (active) power and out-of-phase (reactive) power. Reactive power is signed to allow to distinguish between capacitive loads (such as LED lighting) and inductive loads (such as fans, compressors and motors). Finally, this firmware provides diagnostics


The emontx3-continuous firmware has the following features.

  • Continuously samples inputs at 19230 samples/second, or 3846 samples/second for each input channel
  • Intended to be used with "EmonESP" wifi transmitter
  • This sample rate is equivalent to 77 samples per 50 Hz AC waveform and 64 samples per 60 Hz AC waveform, which allows to capture most fast power transients such as switch-mode power supplies.
  • Supports all four emonTx current transformer inputs
  • Requires AC-AC voltage sense input, so that mains voltage can be measured
  • For each input channel reports, RMS current, power factor, active, reactive and apparent power. Active power is power in-phase with the mains voltage such as incandescent bulbs; and reactive power is 90 degrees out-of-phase with mains voltage (typically AC motors, compressors and fans).
  • Allows to disable one ore more current transformer inputs.
  • Reports total cumulative active and reactive energy usage. This is cumulative and builds up over time, just like a utility meter.
  • Reports the AC mains voltage, mains frequency to three digits of accuracy, and the AC crest factor, which can be used to diagnose AC power faults.
  • Automatically determines mains AC frequency at startup (50 Hz or 60 Hz)
  • Is fully calibratable. Voltage, current and phase offset calibration factors are available.
  • Adjusts for sample time offsets beteween voltage and current, with accuracy of better than 1%.
  • Should be compatible with 3-phase power systems. The phase offset variables can be set to align all inputs to one voltage leg.
  • Measures pulse input to allow utility meter pulse input (not tested).
  • Reports other diagnostic information such as uptime, version, and internal buffer sizes.

Features not supported

  • the firmware uses features specific to the Atmel hardware, and will be difficult to port to other architectures.
  • the RFM69 transmitter on-board the emonTx is not supported; the transmitter software library is potentially compatible with emontx3-continuous; however, the reported values are so limited that most of the functionality of this firmware would be lost.
  • the standard emonTx temperature/humidity sensor accessory is not usable because the DallasTemperature library is not compatible with the methods used by emonTx3-continous to achieve high sample rates (it is busy-wait driven instead of interrupt-driven).
  • a mains AC-AC transformer is required. No-voltage input is not supported. Without the AC-AC transformer, accuracy will be much lower and you may as well use the standard emonTx firmware.
  • because of the AC-AC transformer requirement, you will also need to power the unit separately with 5VDC (with the USB input, for example)

Achievable Accuracy

With full calibration to a suitable standard, it should be possible to achieve high accuracies. The author used a 1% accuracy digital multimeter to calibrate the system. When compared to utility measurements, the results agreed to within 1%.

How It Works

The emontx-continuous firmware uses the "free-running" sampling mode of the standard Atmega328p (Arduino Uno) that is inside the emonTx. The firmware also functions in a stock Atmega2560 (Arduino Mega) although it has not been tested with real power monitoring accessories. The microcontroller can be programmed to report continuous samples at high data rate. In addition, the unit can be programmed to sample each data input in round-robin fashion, which allows emontx-continuous to retrieve the mains voltage, and four current inputs.

Sample Rate

The maximum recommended sample rate for the Atmega328p is 9615 samples per second. However, the sample clock can be slightly overclocked with little or no loss in accuracy. This firmware drives the sample rate to 19230 samples per second. With five input channels, one mains voltage and four current inputs, the sample rate is 3846 samples per second for each channel, or 260 microseconds between samples. Surprisingly, this is faster sampling than the ~400 microseconds per sample that the standard firmware achieves for only a single channel at a time, and emontx-continuous samples all four inputs continuously.

For a 50 Hz AC mains voltage, the resulting sample rate is 76.92 samples per waveform. For a 60 Hz AC mains voltage, the sample rate is 64 samples per waveform. In both cases, this provides this provides measurements that approach "true RMS" in quality (typically ~100 samples or more per waveform). Today's homes have devices that draw power irregularly: either in short spikes for most switch mode power supplies; or as partial waveforms such as dimmer switches. The sampling emontx-continuous provides is sufficient to retrieve most of these short transient power usage styles. At the given sample rate, emontx-continuous can retrieve up to 6th harmonic distortions.

Interrupt Driven Sampling and Ring Buffer

High sample rates do come at a cost. Only a small amount of processing can be done between samples. Rather than attempt to perform all computations between samples, this firmware takes a different approach.

Samples are recorded by an interrupt handler. When five complete samples are ready, the handler places the results in an ADC ring buffer. In this way, the interrupt handler can be kept short with low overhead. It is the responsibility of the main program to retrieve samples from the buffer and process them.

The main advantage of the ADC ring buffer is that intensive computations are allowed to take longer than one ADC sample. When the processor is working on intensive computations, ADC readings will pile up in the ring buffer. As long as the ring buffer is deep enough, readings can pile up momentarily, and then during idle periods the system can drain the buffer and catch up. This works as long as the average processing time per sample takes less than the duration between samples. The buffer size has been tuned for this firmware to 15 samples. In several months of real operation, the buffer depth has never exceeded 12 samples.

Fast Math

This firmware uses fast math routines from Atmel's AVR201 library to make accumulating quantities faster.

Fast Response

Typically the firmware will report voltage mains information every 10 seconds and power usage every 30 seconds. However, if you have a sudden change of usage by more than about an Ampere, a new report will be issued immediately. This allows you to get a more accurate picture of actual power usage, including transients, instead of having to wait 30 seconds for a response.

Delayed Processing

Despite this strategy, there can still be problems with the high sample rate. The most difficult example is serial data output. The only way to transmit data to the user is via serial data transmission.

Thankfully, the Arduino Serial object is interrupt driven. This means that when data is requested to be transmitted, it is placed in a serial output ring buffer, and an interrupt service routine is used to drain the buffer. However, if too much data is requested to be transmitted at one time, the ring buffer is filled and the Serial library will busy-wait until it is drained. This can be fatal for the ADC ring buffer which only has a small number of samples before it will overflow.

To prevent this, the firmware provides yet another output ring buffer for measurement readings. The processing code produces a large number of readings all at once (usually every 10-30 seconds), and those readings are placed in a ring buffer.

The emontx-continuous firmware will wait until the output Serial buffer and ADC ring buffer is drained sufficiently before sending more data. During off-peak periods there is plenty of processing power available to send this data with no other impacts.

Active and Reactive Power Sampling

Typical firmwares will compute simple active and apparent power values for each input. While these outputs are useful, there is more information available from the data which can reveal insights about power usage.

There are several types of power usage habits within most home systems. The standard usage habit we are used to from the past is resistive loads such as incandescent light bulbs, which are purely resistive. Other examples of such loads are baseboard heaters, underfloor heating elements, and auxiliary heat on home heat systems. This type of load will produce current draw that is in-phase with the voltage mains. In other words, current drawn will peak at exactly the same time as the voltage. This is known as active power usage.

Another form of power usage is reactive loads, such as inductive and capacitive loads.

Motors, compressors, fans and other types of coil devices are inductive loads. Other examples include microwaves. These loads will draw current with a phase lag. This means that current will peak 90 degrees later than the voltage peaks.

Capacitive loads are the opposite from inductive lods in the sense that the current will peak 90 degrees before the voltage peaks. These days LED lighting is popular, and they are typically fed by a capacitive dropper power supply which is a capacitive load. Sodium arc lamps are also strongly capacitive.

Both types of reactive load do not actually draw power from the utility's generators, and are typically not billed. However, reactive loads they do cause an increased current load on utility lines.

Finally, as mentioned before there are more complicated types of loads. Today's small electronics power supplies typically have a more spiky current draw behavior that is neither in-phase nor 90 degrees out-of-phase of the mains voltage. The are simply higher harmonics that you can be aware of.

emontx-continuous allows you to diagnose all types of power usage. It reports several quantities.

It reports the active and reactive power usage (see below for data readings reported). The reactive power usage is a signed quantity: a positive value indicates that capacitive loads such as LED lighting dominate power usage; a negative value indicates that inductive loads such as compressors or motors dominate. In this way you can scrutinize your power usage more carefully and see which kinds of loads are present on your home system. Typically, the active power usage is what is billed by your utility.

It also reports the power factor and total current usage. The power factor gives a cruder but more global view of your power usage habits. Power factor of unity indicates a purely resistive load. A power factor of less than unity indicates some combination of reactive loads or more spiky loads such as switch mode power supplies. If you compute (active_power) / (power_factor), you will obtain your overall apparent power, which is an indicator of total power you use, whether active or reactive. Total current usage also indicates if you are meeting or exceeding current requirements of your home wiring.

In order to provide these measurements, emontx-continuous must have available a 90-degree out-of-phase or quadrature sample of the mains voltage. emontx-continuous uses a simple way to look back in time to retrieve this quantity. It keeps a short record of voltage samples and when needed uses a lookup function to retrieve the sample nearest to 90 degrees in the past. Since this sample will not fall exactly 90 degrees in the past, the firmware uses a simple correction factor method which achieves accuracies of 0.1% or better for sinusoidal mains voltages.

Using these techniques, emontx-continuous is able to provide a wide range of useful and interesting measurements about your utility usage.

Building and Using the Firmware

Building and Installing

Unlike the standard firmware, there are no signiicant Arduino library requirements. Just download this Arduino sketch as a zip archive, and extract it in your Arduino documents folder. When you start the Arduino application, you should see emontx3-continuous as a choice to open.

This firmware was tested with Arduino version 1.8.4, but should be compatible with earlier and later versions.

Under the Tools menu, select Board -> Arduino/Genuino. Click the "build" button, which is the large checkmark icon. The firmware should build without errors.

Disconnect your emontx from the mains and connect it to your computer using a mini-USB cable. Also disconnect any EmonESP, since it will interfere with programming. Your emontx should show up as a virtual COM port or tty device; check the Tools -> Port menu and select your new device.

Finally, click the upload button (the right-arrow button), which should upload and verify the firmware.

Using the Firmware

The firmware should start immediately upon power-up. To use it, follow these steps.

Disconnect the emontx from your computer.

Connect an EmonESP device, and then connect the emontx to your power inputs (AC-AC transformer, and up to 4 current transformer inputs). Lastly, connect USB power. To ensure a clean start-up, you can press the reset button on the device.

If this is the first time you are using an EmonESP, follow its installation instructions to connect it to your wifi network and configure output for either emonCMS or MQTT.

After reset, the emontx device should activate immediately. Within about 10 seconds of settling time, the first measurements should begin to appear.

If you forget to connect your current transformers, or change your sensor arrangement, press the reset button so that emontx-continuous can recognize its new inputs.

Debugging or Calibration

If you are debugging or calibrating your emonTx, you do not have to connect the EmonESP device. Instead, keep your emontx connected to your computer and open the Arduino serial monitor. The output of emonTx is pure text that you can read and diagnose.


The firmware is configured to work right away with no extra settings. However, in practice you may want to change a few things.

emontx3-continuous will automatically disregard any disconnected current transformer channels. This functionality relies upon a pull-down resistor installed in the standard emontx3 hardware that sets an input to zero if the physical plug is not connected. If you are using non-standard hardware, or if your inputs are sometimes unreliable, you can disable some channels if you wish. To do this, edit the cont.h file and locate the line ADC_NOTICE_CHANS, and follow the instructions there. emontx3-continuous will still disregard channels that are disconnected, but it will also ignore any channels that you designate.

Another area where you will likely want to configure your firmware is detailed calibration for your specific sensors and hardware. See below in the Calibration section for more information.

Available Readings

The emontx-continuous provides many readings about your home power system. Since it is different and more advanced than the standard emonTx firmware, do not expect the readings to be exactly the same. You will need to develop new charts and visualizations for all the data you are producing. Here is a description of the data fields.

Readings are produced with a 4-character name, such as "vrms" which identify the reading, and may be an integer or floating point value. Note that some readings start with an underscore, such as _ever. These are intended to be MQTT "retained" readings that are kept for late clients, and are typically reserved for readings which are diagnostic in nature.

Mains Voltage

emontx-continuous provides readings about your mains voltage, frequency and quality. This can inform you about the quality of mains voltage you are receiving from your utility. These values are reported every 10 seconds.

  • vman - mains AC voltage dip switch setting, in volts. Either 120 or 240.
  • vrms - mains AC voltage, in volts.
  • vfrq - mains AC frequency, in Hertz.
  • vcrs - mains AC crest factor, as a fraction. This is a diagnostic of your mains voltage quality. Crest factor is defined as Vmax/Vac where Vmax is the maximum voltage and Vac is the AC (rms) voltage. For typical AC voltage, the crest factor is 1.414; deviations indicate non-sinusoidal voltage condition.

Power Usage

emontx-continuous reports power usage of each of the four inputs. It reports the rms current, active and reactive power, and power factor. These readings are produced every 30 seconds, and represent the average power usage over the past 30 second interval.

  • irmsN - for current sensor N, rms current usage in Amps.
  • pacN - for current sensor N, active power usage in Watts.
  • preN - for current sensor N, reactive power usage in Watts. A positive value indicates capacitive load, negative indicates inductive.
  • powN - for current sensor N, fractional power factor. Power factor is defined as powN = pacN / papN, where papN = (vrms*irmsN) is the apparent power usage.

Cumulative energy monitoring

emontx-continuous reports cumulative energy usage just like an energy meter. It is the true continuous sum of energy usage without interruptions, averaged over the full waveform of every AC cycle. The reported values are produced every 60 seconds, and represent the sum of all available input channels.

  • _enac - total cumulative active energy usage, in kWh, for all four input channels combined.
  • _enre - total cumulative reactive energy usage, in kWh, for all four input channels combined. Your power company typically does not bill you for this energy usage.

Pulse counter

If you have a utility meter with LED pulser, you can retrieve these pulses with a pulse sensor.

  • pulse - The reported value is total number of pulses received since startup.


These diagnostics are typically not useful for reporting home energy usage, but are useful for diagnosing the state of the device itself.

  • _ever - emonTx firmware version, as a 4-digit integer number.
  • _uptm - total system uptime, in seconds, since last reset.
  • _adcd - maximum ADC ring buffer depth. A diagnostic which indicates possible processing overload.
  • _novr - number of ADC samples lost due to ring buffer overflow. Any value different than zero indicates processor overload.
  • vdel - correction factor for out-of-phase voltage readings, as a fractional quantity.


You can use this firmware with default calibration constants, but you should expect few percent errors in the results. For the best accuracy you must calibrate your unit individually. Here are some guidelines of how to achive this.

WARNING: This calibration process involves working with high voltage mains electricity. You must use proper caution. Only use measurement equipment rated for the voltages in your system.

What you will need:

  1. A digital multimeter rated for mains voltage
  2. A test device that uses power. It should be a primarily resistive device like a toaster. Anything with a motor or fan is not recommended. Anything with a microprocessor like a computer or television is not recommended.
  3. An extension cord that you can sacrifice (destroy).
  4. Ability to rebuild Arduino firmware and upload.

The test device should use a large amount of power (current) so that it provides a good test signal. Toasters, toaster ovens and electric heaters are often good choices because they are high power and resistive in nature. Anything with a motor or microprocessor will have large reactive load and will not be suitable for calibration.

You must modify the extension cord by separating the wires. Do not remove the insulation, but rather separate the individual wires with insulation intact. You will be measuring the current through only one wire using the clamp-on current transformers. Since you will be measuring current, you will also want to cut one of the wires and splice it together with a wire-nut. It is most safe to cut and splice the neutral side, if available, and clamp the current transformers to the live side.


  1. Plug the emonTx AC-AC transformer and extension cord into the same receptacle.
  2. Set the digital multimeter to AC volts, and place the measuring leads of the digital multimeter into the mains receptacle. WARNING: this is dangerous!
  3. Optional (but useful): rebuild firmware with debugging enabled.
    1. Open the firmware in the Arduino IDE.
    2. Switch to the cont.h tab.
    3. Edit the line which says #define DEBUG_CONT and remove the first two slashes ("//") to uncomment that line.
    4. Rebuild the firmware and upload to your emontx3.
  4. Activate your emonTx and wait for output.

Voltage Calibration

  1. When a vrms=NNNN.NN number appears, use your multimeter to take a reading of the mains voltage at the same time.

    Example: vrms=239.82 and multimeter reads 241.96.

  2. Compute the voltage calibration ratio of your emonTx. Calculate the ratio of (multimeter/vrms). Example: (241.96/239.82) = 1.00892.

  3. Open cal.h of the firmware source and edit the line for your voltage system. Change the 1.0000 to your calibration ratio.


    #define VCAL_240VAC (230.0/11.116 * 1.00892) // 240VAC transformer

Current Calibration

  1. Attach your clamp current transformers around the live wire.
  2. Safely insert the multimeter into the extension cord circuit.
    1. IMPORTANT: disconnect the extension cord from the mains
    2. Unsplice the extension cord.
    3. Set your digital multimeter to AC current (> 1 Amp). You will probably have to move the leads to a different input as well.
    4. Securely attach the leads to each end of the unspliced extension cord wire. Alligator clips are recommended.
    5. Wrap exposed sections with electrical tape to protect them.
    6. Examine the cord for any shorts and correct.
    7. Plug in extension cord to mains receptacle.
    8. Plug test device into extension cord.
  3. First activate your test device.
  4. Second activate the emonTx
  5. When emonTx current readings appear as irm0 through irm3 numbers, take a multimeter current reading at the same time.
Example: irm0=2.44 and multimeter reads 2.42
  1. Compute the current calibration ratio of your emonTx for each channel. Calculate the ratio of (multimeter/irmN). Example: (2.42/2.44) = 0.9918.

  2. Edit cal.h and edit the corresponding lines for ICALN. Change the 1.0000 to the current calibration ratio for that channel.


    #define ICAL0 (ICAL/22*0.9918)

  3. Repeat previous two steps for each input channel you have anbled.

Reactive Load Calibration

  1. No need to rebuild the firmware before this step.

  2. With the test device still active, capture a single output line that has pac0, pre0, pac1, pre1 and so on. These are the measured actie and reactive components.

    Example: pac0=550.80,pre0=21.70

  3. For the 0th channel compute the phase calibration ratio (pre0/pac0). Preserve the sign of the values; it is OK if this ratio is negative.

    Example: (21.70/550.80) = +0.0393972

  4. Compute the phase calibration angle using ATAN(ratio) where ATAN is the arctangent function in degrees.

    Example: ATAN(+0.0393972) = +2.26 (degrees)

  5. Open cal.h of the firmware and edit the line for IPH0 to put in this phase calibration angle.

    Example: #define IPH0 (+2.26)

  6. Repeat above three steps for remaining channels that you have enabled (pac1,pre1; pac2,pre2; pac3,pre3)

Rebuild Firmware

  1. Disconnect your emonTx from the mains and connect to your computer.

  2. Rebuild and upload the firmware with your new calibration constants using the Arduino IDE.

    1. If you edited cont.h as described above, before rebuilding, open cont.h and place two slashes ("//") before #define DEBUG_CONT to comment the debugging line. Then rebuild.
  3. Disconnect your emonTx from your computer and reconnect to mains.

  4. Repeat above calibration steps to verify that your emonTx is now reporting correct values.

    Number reported with vrms= should match multimeter reading of voltage measured at same receptacle.

    Number reported with irmN= should match multimeter reading when multimeter is in circuit.

    For a resistive load like a toaster, the preN values should be near zero. They may not be exactly zero, but within ~20 Watts is OK.

You are done!