
Node.js App for SAFE Launcher

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Linux/OS X Windows
Build Status Build status

Quick start

The development dependency of this project is Node.js v5.5. Build safe_core with the mock Routing feature:  

cargo build --release --features use-mock-routing

  then copy the resulting shared library (safe_core.dll for Windows, libsafe_core.so for Linux or libsafe_core.dylib for OS X) to the app/api/ffi folder of this project.

The launcher can be developed/tested only with ffi with mock feature or by running a local network only.

So just make sure you have it installed. Then type few commands known to every Node developer...

npm install
npm start



npm install

It will also download Electron runtime, and install dependencies for second package.json & bower.json file inside app folder.

Starting the app

npm start

Adding npm modules to your app

Remember to add your dependency to app/package.json file, so do:

cd app
npm install name_of_npm_module --save

Unit tests

To run it go with standard:

npm test

Making a distributable package

To make ready for distribution package use command based on the platform:

npm run package

this will generate the package files in the app_dist folder

Additional arch argument can be passed to the package command. If this argument is not specified, the current nodejs platform architecture will be used. Accepted values are x86 and x64.

Example usage npm run package -- --arch=x64


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the MaidSafe Contributor Agreement, version 1.1 ([CONTRIBUTOR] (CONTRIBUTOR)), shall be dual licensed as above, and you agree to be bound by the terms of the MaidSafe Contributor Agreement, version 1.1.