- 7
- 2
- 4
- 0
How to interact with HTML file
#97 opened by FineBlack - 2
- 1
Unable to find the Boost header files. Please set BOOST_ROOT to the root directory containing Boost or BOOST_INCLUDEDIR to the directory containing Boost's headers.
#95 opened by jixian79 - 0
Create Conan package
#94 opened by Talkless - 1
Remove an unnecessary null pointer check
#93 opened by elfring - 2
websocket transform large data data loss
#89 opened by dingoli - 5
- 0
Socket stops to accept connexion
#87 opened by giraldeau - 1
SIGSEGV when using int HttpServerRequestRouter::map(std::initializer_list<Mapping> map)
#86 opened by Forbinn - 0
Add some more shields from
#84 opened by dielsonsales - 0
- 1
Only the first cookie is considered
#81 opened by dasloop - 1
doc: ldconfig after install
#82 opened by giraldeau - 2
- 0
typo in httpserverrequestrouter.cpp
#80 opened by hmoffatt - 4
example sessionusage not work when run opening the url, the browser always be loading,but not show the index.html file.
#56 opened by kingctan - 6
can't link apps in debug mode on VS
#77 opened by hmoffatt - 0
- 9
- 1
Synchronize between clients
#63 opened by tnm0113 - 4
Design Model of this server
#64 opened by minixxie - 0
import fix for resources paths
#54 opened by vinipsmaker - 2
Programm crashes if connection is aborted
#72 opened by ECP-Black - 0
Update C++11 build/configure support
#68 opened by vinipsmaker - 6
- 1
Some prolem with slow connection. Qt 5.4 Win 7 x64
#60 opened by vedun - 6
- 2
Library needs to be in /usr/lib64 on Fedora x86_64
#53 opened by Venemo - 1
Does tufao support media streaming downloading?
#52 opened by kingctan - 10
- 3
How to compile tufao as a lib using qtcreator?
#50 opened by kingctan - 1
No response on Win8.x/64
#49 opened by kls - 6
Fast requests hanging Tufao
#48 opened by cijic - 3
- 10
Visual Studio 2013 Support
#46 opened by dasloop - 2
- 6
204 No Content on HTTP/1.1 generates an empty chunk
#41 opened by zecke - 3
"Method" in routes.json seems to be ignored
#43 opened by pengyver - 3
- 0
#39 opened by vinipsmaker - 0
- 0
HTTP client library
#37 opened by vinipsmaker - 0
#36 opened by vinipsmaker - 0
Server-Sent Events
#35 opened by vinipsmaker - 0
Enhance session support
#34 opened by vinipsmaker - 0
Compress replies
#32 opened by vinipsmaker - 0
Export signing API
#33 opened by vinipsmaker