
Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Table of Contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Development
    1. Installing Dependencies
    2. Tasks
  3. Team
  4. Contributing

Team (v1)


  • Node 5.9.1
  • MongoDB 3.2.4


Installing Dependencies

From within the root directory:

sudo npm install -g bower
npm install

npm install will chain bower install and install bower client-side dependencies within the client/lib directory

To load example data on a running instance of mongodb... mongorestore -d <nameOfDatabase> <pathToDump> See demoBackUp_readme.md for details


  • gulp task
  • gulp start

Future directions

  • Integrate Google Maps
  • Scheduling for both tutor and normals accounts
  • Handle images on front end (resize, crop)
  • Secure messaging between accounts
  • Add OAuth
  • Allow signin with username
  • Improve token authentication system
  • Use https
  • Stream images directly from the request POST to GridFS


See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.