
An unofficial python wrapper for binance exchange API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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This is an unofficial Python wrapper for the Binance exchange REST API v3.

Source code https://github.com/vinitjames/binancepy

Documentation https://binancepy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Binance API Telegram https://t.me/binance_api_english

Make sure you update often and check the Changelog for new features and bug fixes.


  • Implementation of Market Data, Trading and Wallet endpoints
  • Market Data Endpoints accessible without binance api key
  • No need to generate timestamps yourself, the wrapper does it for you
  • Response exception handling
  • Historical Kline/Candle fetching function
  • Simple handling of authentication
  • Spot Trading
  • Margin Trading
  • Futures Trading
  • Wallet Info and Transfer functionality
  • Support other domains (.us, .jp, etc)

Quick Start

To install as Python package run

pip install binancepy

Or clone the repo with git and install with version you want

git clone -b 'branch name' https://github.com/vinitjames/binancepy.git
cd binancepy
pip install .

To run the sample public client which does not require api keys run the command below:-

python examples/sample_public_client.py

Fetching Market Data

To fetch market data with binance market data endpoints both PublicClient and AuthenticatedClient can be used. PublicClient can be used without without an API key.

from binance.client import PublicClient

# creating a public client with default request params
client = PublicClient()

#getting server time
result = client.get_server_time()

# getting exchange info
ex_info = client.get_exchange_info()

# getting exchange info
sym_info = client.get_symbol_info(symbol='ETHEUR')

#getting price_ticker if symbol not included value for all symbols are returned
price_ticker = client.get_price_ticker(symbol='ETHEUR')

#getting orderbook ticker if symbol not included value for all symbols are returned
orderbook_ticker = client.get_orderbook_ticker(symbol='ETHEUR')

#getting orderbook for a symbol
orderbook = client.get_order_book(symbol='ETHEUR', limit = 10)

#getting average price, for the specified symbol
avg_price = client.get_avg_price('ETHEUR')

#getting 24hr price ticker, if symbol not included value for all symbols are returned
_24_hr_ticker = client.get_24hr_ticker('ETHEUR')

#getting recent trades for a symbol
recent_trades = client.get_recent_trades('ETHEUR', limit=5)

#getting historical klines/candelstick for a symbol,
klines = client.get_historical_klines(symbol = 'ETHUSDT',
                                      interval = client.KLINE_INTERVAL.ONEDAY,
                                      startTime = '2/12/2018',
                                      endTime = '12/12/2019')

Trading and Getting Account/Wallet Info with API keys

To use trading(Spot, Margin, Future) and wallet endpoints a binance account create a binance account. Register an account with Binance.

Generate an API Key and assign relevant permissions.

 from binance.client import AuthenticatedClient

 client = AuthenticatedClient(api_key, api_secret)

 # get market depth
 depth = client.get_order_book(symbol='BNBBTC')

# place a test market buy order, to place an actual order use the create_order function
order = client.create_test_order(

# get all symbol prices
prices = client.get_all_tickers()

# withdraw 100 ETH
# check docs for assumptions around withdrawals
from binance.exceptions import BinanceAPIError, BinanceWithdrawError

  result = client.withdraw(
      except BinanceAPIException as e:

      except BinanceWithdrawException as e:

      # fetch list of withdrawals
      withdraws = client.get_withdraw_history()

      # fetch list of ETH withdrawals
      eth_withdraws = client.get_withdraw_history(asset='ETH')

      # get a deposit address for BTC
      address = client.get_deposit_address(asset='BTC')

      # start aggregated trade websocket for BNBBTC
      def process_message(msg):
          print("message type: {}".format(msg['e']))

For more check out the documentation.