How to add a blog post?
adrshsrvstv opened this issue · 2 comments
Could you tell me how to add a blog post to the site?
Hi @Adarsh0112 If you check the repository, there is a folder called as _posts
Any file inside it is automatically picked up as post. But there is a condition.
The file must have the name in following way:
First date seperate by hyphen and then the title.
So if you want to create a post with filename new post and date today, the filename would be
Also, follow the following structure to create the post
layout: post
title: "tile of the posts"
description: "description about the title"
category: articles
tags: [python, django, django-admin]
comments: false
Add the detailed post here
Hope, this answers your question, if you have any more question, just look the link above and try and figure out how it is done. Should be pretty straight forward.
Okay, I hope my reply solved your query. I am closing this issue now.