
Spring MVC (4.0.2) / Spring Security (3.2) - Permission CRUD

Primary LanguageJava


This example builds on spring-ex16-crud, where we added CRUD functionality to our Role entity. In this example, we will add CRUD functionality to our Permission entity. The Thymeleaf pages for the Permission entity will be slightly different and a little more complicated than the CRUD pages from the prior examples. This example uses Spring 4.0.2 and Spring Security 3.2.3, and uses java configuration files rather than XML.

This example has been validated with the following environment on MS Windows 7:

  1. Eclipse Kepler 1.1 Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.4.0.RELEASE - for Kepler
  2. Java SDK 1.7.0_51 (separate install)
  3. Tomcat 7.0.50 (separate install)
  4. Maven 3.0.5 (separate install)
  5. MySQL 5.5.29