
download file use server to client

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Use your server to download file faster

Getting started

  • edit main.go

    var (
    	process_ = "424314ljkaFAFaf"
    	monkey = "AES256Key-32fsd#$!@"
      conf_url = "https://share.cdn.wenqi.us/ex/sl.apo"
    //monkey replace as your aes-256-cfb key
    //process_ replace as your key's offset
    //conf_url replace as your conf file form network
  • edit you conf(all value show be encrypt)

        "key1": "3a95327bd4da3e",   //server ip or host
        "key2": "b7bp4da3e9b7",     //password
        "key3": "Zq42#21",          //username   
        "key4": "$#l1A"             //ssh port
    //all value show be encrypt
  • go build

  • run (-d will delete server file )
    ./vinkDownloader http://jsptest.sourceforge.net/maven2/net/sf/jsptest/jsptest-acceptance-jsp12/0.11/jsptest-acceptance-jsp12-0.11-sources.jar -d