
🐯 A React library for efficiently implementing Gettext localization

Primary LanguageJavaScript

npm version

Lioness is a React library for efficiently implementing Gettext localization in your app with little effort.

It utilises node-gettext as translations tool, but this ought to be modularized in the future.

  message="You have one thingy, {{ itemLink:check it out }}"
  messagePlural="You have {{ count }} thingies, {{ listLink:check them out }}"
  itemLink={<a href={`/thingies/${items[0].id}`} />}
  listLink={<a href="/thingies" />}
// items.length === 1 => Du har en grej, <a href="/thingies/281">kolla in den här<a/>.
// items.length === 7 => Du har 7 grejer, <a href="/thingies">kolla in dem här<a/>.

Table of contents


  • Context and plural
  • String interpolation using a {{ variable }} style syntax
  • Component interpolation with translatable child content using a {{ link:Link text here }} style syntax


npm install --save lioness

# ...or the shorter...
npm i -S lioness


This is an example app showing how to translate some text:

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { LionessProvider, T } from 'lioness'

// messages.json is a JSON file with all translations concatenated into one.
// The format must conform to what node-gettext expects.
// See https://github.com/alexanderwallin/node-gettext#Gettext+addTranslations
import messages from './translations/messages.json'

function App({ name, numPotatoes }) {
  return (
    <LionessProvider messages={messages} locale="sv-SE">
      <div className="App">
        <h1><T>Potato inventory</T></h1>
        {/* => <h1><span>Potatisinventarie</span></h1> */}

          message="Dear {{ name }}, there is one potato left"
          messagePlural="Dear {{ name }}, there are {{ count }} potatoes left"
        {/* => <span>Kära Ragnhild, det finns 2 potatisar kvar</span> */}

          message="By more potatoes {{ link:here }}!"
          link={<a href="http://potatoes.com/buy" />}
        {/* => <span>Köp mer potatis <a href="http://potatoes.com/buy">här</a>!</span> */}

  <App name="Ragnhild" numPotatoes={Math.round(Math.random() * 3))} />,

Using <T />

<T /> exposes a set of props that make it easy to translate and interpolate your content. Being a React component, it works perfect for when you are composing your UI, like with the example above.

Using withTranslators(Component)

Sometimes, you will need to just translate and interpolate pure strings, without rendering components. To do this you can hook up your components with translator functions using the withTranslators(Component) composer function.

withTranslators(Component) will provide any component you feed it with a set of translator functions as props. Those props are: t, tn, tp, tpn, tc, tcn, tcp and tcpn.

import { withTranslators } from 'lioness'

function PotatoNotification({ notificationCode, t }) {
  let message = ''

  if (notificationCode === 'POTATOES_RECEIVED') {
    message = t(`You have received potatoes`)
  else if (notificationCode === 'POTATOES_STOLEN') {
    message = t(`Someone stole all your potatoes :(`)

  return <span>{message}</span>

export default withTranslators(PotatoNotification)


Working on it! ⚒


All PRs that passes the tests are very much appreciated! 🎂

See also

  • node-gettext - A JavaScript implementation of Gettext.
  • gettext-parser – A parser between JSON and .po/.mo files. The JSON has the format required by this library.
  • react-gettext-parser – A utility that extracts translatable content from JavaScript code.
  • narp – A workflow utility for extracting, uploading, downloading and integrating translations.