
A place to experiment with new blog. Already merged to vinliao/blog.

Primary LanguageSCSS

Features I want (ordered by priority)

  • support for phone screen. Come to think about it, I think having a mobile support is more important (!!!) than a desktop support. Why not build mobile first, then extend it to desktop later on?
  • dark mode (one button toggle would be nice)
  • have cleaner link. Right now every link is produced by the file structure. Try accessing /blog and it will serve nothing. I want everything to be organized and clean.
  • link to next/previous post at the end of post
  • click to load more post in home page. Not pagination. Load 5 recent post, then if load more, then load everything.
  • verify that the post are sorted by date. Post are sorted by date by default, but it's ascending (early to recent). I want the opposite.
  • cypress testing (maybe)
  • have a place for a microblog to live. Pull from twitter/mastodon and store it in a markdown file? Not sure. But I really want to have a place for a microblog in this site.
  • create a post generator like hugo new post to populate the front-matter

Minor improvements/fixes

  • what if I make h1, h2, h3 into a sans-serif font? What if I use sans serif for the nav title instead of my current monospace font? I will have two fonts if I do that.
  • problem: code tag breaks in dark mode because of the shadowwhite color. Change font type and color instead of changing the background
  • \n\n doesn't seem to work on the parsed markdown. It doesn't produce
    in the final html.
  • auto re-create quotation mark into non-straight one

Some ideas

  • You know, my markdown data is kinda strangled here. In some sense, it's locked-in into this 11ty (just like it was locked in into hugo in my old blog). Is there a way to have all my blog post (or even tweets) in some kind of a db that doesn't care what front end I use?