
On some pages, the date doesn't need to be there

vinliao opened this issue · 4 comments

There's no point in having date shown in some pages - for example, an about page. Removing date on the markdown's front matter would make it 0001-01-01.

What's the best possible way to go about doing this?

(Not a terribly critical issue; just a nice to have feature.)

I solved this by setting a variable inside the frontmatter. Something like „showdate: True“ and in the template simply query the variable with if, then, else.

Well, hey, thank you @saschadieter for the idea.

I found an easier solution.

In single.html:

{{ if .Params.Date }}

<p datetime="{{ .Date.Format " 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" }}" class="post-date">
  {{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}

{{ end }}

By doing this, the date won't be there just by deleting the date variable in the front matter.

(It works, but the padding margin looks a little bit off. Will make a PR once this is fixed.)

Fixed on b1b4075 and dc755b5.

Again, thank you @saschadieter.

Well, I guess that separates a full on developer from a technical writer.