
Deploy F5 container ingress(CIS) with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) as the backend using Terraform cloud.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Deploy F5 container ingress(CIS) with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) as the backend using Terraform cloud.



  1. Create workspace in Terraform Cloud
  2. Fork this repo for your edits and builds.
  3. Link Terraform Cloud to the repo for githooks
  4. Create gcp service account and key for Terraform Cloud
    • login to gcp and issue a service account with permissions to your project
  5. set project variables for Terraform Cloud project

Mark items as sensitive for write only access


- projectPrefix
    - project prefix/tag for all object names
        example: "mydeployment-"

- gcpProjectId
    - the project ID you want to deploy in
        example: ""

- gcpRegion
    - the gcp region you want to deploy in
        example: "us-east1"

- gcpZone
    - the gcp zone you want to deploy in
        example: "us-east1-b"

- adminSrcAddr
    - ip/mask in cidr formatt for admin access
        example: ["myexternalip/32"]

- adminAccountName
    - admin account name ( not admin)

            example: "myuser"
- adminPass [ sensitive]
    - your temp password if desired, otherwise it will be generated
        example: "MysuperPass"
- gceSshPubKey [ sensitive]
    - contents of the admin ssh public key file
        example: ""

- customImage
    - string of the path to your custom image

        example: "projects/my-project-id/global/images/f5-bigip-15-1-0-0-0-31-byol-all-1slot-fxaschncp"

- bigipLicense1
    - string of license key if your using byol

        example: "my-key-value-text-string"
- instanceCount
    - number of BIG-IP instances default is 1 max is 2 currently

        example: "2"
  1. queue a run of the project

  2. Connect to google cloud shell

  3. clone repo

    git clone https://github.com/vinnie357/demo-f5-cis-gcp-gke-terraform-cloud.git
    cd demo-f5-cis-gcp-gke-terraform-cloud/demo
    . setup.sh


  1. AS3 to support Google Loadbalancers

        cd demo/as3
        . as3_config.sh
  2. Run all as a script from google cloud shell

    cd ~
    rm -rf $repo
    git clone https://github.com/vinnie357/demo-f5-cis-gcp-gke-terraform-cloud.git
    cp admin.auto.tfvars $repo/terraform/admin.auto.tfvars
    cd $repo/terraform
    terraform init
    terraform plan
    terraform apply --auto-approve
    cd ../demo
    . setup.sh

Clean up/destroy


cd demo
. cleanup.sh
cd ../terraform
terraform destroy --auto-approve
