Crypto Coin Portfolio Manager - Track all of your Bitcoin and crypto coin investments
- 9
Price notifications
#28 opened by vinniejames - 0
Cleanup non issue
#95 opened by ninjaa - 1
Feature Request: Auto-update total balance instead of having to refresh page
#60 opened by rolltidehero - 1
Price not updating not updating on
#50 opened by jonnnnyN - 0
- 0
Watch only coins
#26 opened by vinniejames - 12
Better menu formatting
#27 opened by vinniejames - 1
Would you like some help?
#46 opened by williamluke4 - 7
Indication of accepted ticker symbols
#9 opened by casey - 4
#35 opened by AKprisonER - 3
- 0
Prevent auto format after "."
#20 opened by vinniejames - 0
Create a Pie Chart view for Portfolio
#21 opened by vinniejames - 3
May we have CHF as well?
#14 opened by philippeowagner - 2
Kraken GBP cull means no GBP data
#18 opened by mrkrsl - 1
- 2
- 3
Allow cost basis of 0
#8 opened by casey - 1