
SoundCloud backup, download your SoundCloud playlists, liked songs, etc

Primary LanguagePython


SoundCloud backup, download your SoundCloud playlists, liked songs, etc

Step 1: Scroll all the way down to the end of your user page, eg https://soundcloud.com/vinnie_dplm

Step 2: Copy and paste the code below into your console

  var nodes = document.getElementsByClassName('soundTitle__title');
  var rainCloud = [];

  Array.prototype.forEach.call(nodes, function(el) {

  console.log(rainCloud, 'xx');

Step 3: Your playlist is now in your clipboard, copy it into playlist.py, eg

songs = [paste here]

Alternately, you may add a comma separated list of username urls, which will download the entirety of each users tracks, eg

songs = ["https://soundcloud.com/vinnie_dplm", "https://soundcloud.com/dante-gbrl", "https://soundcloud.com/julychilduk"]

Step 4: Install youtube-dl (brew install youtube-dl), and ffmpeg (brew install ffmpeg)

Step 5: Open up Terminal, navigate to this repo, run python raincloud.py

Step 6: Enjoy your music FOREVER :D