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ext/ is usual Postgres extension (installed with make install), go/ is Go code (built with make, produces binaries in go/bin/), devops/ contains Ansible scripts and other stuff for deployment; bin/ is some scripts for testing.

There are two layers from configuration and administration point of view. The first is replication groups. Shardman cluster consists of multiple replication groups, each one being separate Stolon instance (cluster in Stolon docs). Each replication group holds a piece of data, so you might call it a shard. Stolon provides fault tolerance for each piece. Shardman shards tables by partitioning them: local tables are just usual partitions and remote tables are postgres\_fdw foreign tables pointing to current master of replicaton group holding the partition. General cluster management (repgroups addition, removal, Postgres and Stolon conf) is done via shardmanctl binary; sharding tables is done directly via SQL on any master.

Replication groups themselves don't know anything about physical location of Postgres instances. When repgroup is being added to the cluster with shardmanctl, it is assumed that Stolon instance forming it already exists. Moreover, for efficient utilization of nodes each node should keep one master and several replicas; otherwise only one core of node currently holding replica would be utilized. Here comes the second layer, making this horribly complicated deploy easier. With shardman-ladle you specify cluster conf and register physical nodes: ladle computes which daemons (stolon keepers, sentinels, shardman monitors) will run on on which nodes and their parameters. It pushes this info to the store (etcd). On each node, shardman-bowl meta-daemon should be started by the administrator. It reads info computed by ladle and spins off specified daemons as systemd units. Once Stolon instances are up, shardman-ladle registers them as new replication groups. Thus, generally you should never need to manually add/remove replication groups.

Apart from infinite Stolon daemons, there is a stateless shardman-monitor daemon which should always be running in the cluster -- or better at least several of them (it is safe) for fault tolerance. shardman-ladle and shardman-bowl can run it on configured number of nodes. Monitor

  • Makes sure each repgroup is aware of location of current master of each other repgroup.
  • Resolves 2PC (distributed) transactions.
  • Resolves distributed deadlocks.

All golang binaries have --help with describing what commands they have, and also <binary> <command> --help per-command help.


devops/ dir contains Ansible scripts and templates of service files used by shardman-bowl to start systemd units. Playbooks behaviour is influenced by vars listed in group_vars/all.yml with their defaults. You can overwrite them by directly specifying in --extra-vars or by setting vars in custom_vars.yml -- this file is read by every play and not tracked by git. Playbooks operate on nodes and etcd_nodes groups; inventory_manual has an example of simple inventory. provision.yml installs everything needed: etcd, postgres, stolon, shardman. Note that we need patched Stolon (keeper priority, etc) as well as patched PG (distributed planner/executor, global snapshots, etc); defaults in group_vars/all.yml contain paths to proper repositories. Also, during execution of etcd role, a etcd cluster is configured (unless etcd_service skipped). init.yml inits single shardman cluster: it instantiates all needed service files, starts shardman-bowl daemons and executes shardman-ladle, creating cluster and adding nodes to it.

shardman-ladle accepts config file specifying cluster configuration. init.yml creates it from template shmnspec.json.j2 where defaults are listed. StolonSpec is handled specially: pgParameters specified in config file are imposed over default ones to provide suitable basic values. Other fields, if not specified, get default value as documented in Stolon.

As a result, after running init.yml multiple Postgers instances (managed by Stolon keepers, PG ports start from PGsInitialPort) and multiple Stolon proxies (if UseProxy is true, ports start from ProxiesInitialPort) will run on each node. To get Postgres connection string containing all entrypoints you can use shardmanctl getconnstr. Only postgres database can be used currently.s

Currently, the simplest strategy for daemons placements is implemented. Nodes are divided into subsets of n members each where n is number of copies of data (Repfactor + 1). On each such subset (called clover), n replication groups are created, and if everyone is healthy, each subset member holds Postgres instance who will be the master for one of those replication group (Stolon will always try to elect it as master if it is possible). This means that number of nodes being added or removed must be multiple of number of copies of data (e.g. 12 nodes for 3 copies, or 2 replicas).

For convenience, Postgres who is the master of its replication group in the normal case always listens on PGsInitialPort. Furthermore, proxies ports have the same offset from ProxiesInitialPort as Postgres of their replication group from PGsInitialPort, so proxy for assumed master always listens on ProxiesInitialPort. Thus, you get reasonable workload distribution if you just connect to ProxiesInitialPort (5432 by default) on each node when everyone is healthy, which is e.g. useful for benchmarks. Generally it is better to use shardmanctl getconnstr because it contains all proxies, so all repgroups are reachable directly by the client (not via postgres_fdw).

Simple bowl.yml can be used for common daemons management, e.g. to stop everything:

ansible-playbook -i inventory_manual/ bowl.yml -e "state=stopped"


Probably simplest way to test things is to fire up 4 nodes via vagrant up with provided example:

cd devops/
cp Vagrantfile.example Vagrantfile
vagrant up

Inventory for them is listed in inventory_manual.example. Uncomment it like

sed -e 's/# \?//' inventory_manual/manual.example > inventory_manual/manual

and then

# install and activate python env with installed ansible
pipenv install && pipenv shell
ansible-playbook -i inventory_manual/ provision.yml

This installs etcd, configured etcd cluster on etcd_nodes, installs stolon, postgres, shardman everywhere (on nodes).

By default, provision.yml assumes that this repo (shardman) is cloned to contrib/shardman directory of patched Postgres source tree (with REL_11_STABLE_40dde829070d.patch applied). This can be altered to use repository with patched PG instead; see all.yml.


ansible-playbook -i inventory_manual/ init.yml

creates shardman cluster. Namely, it

  • Instantiates systemd unit files on all nodes.
  • Runs shardman-bowl daemons on all nodes.
  • Executes on one random one shardman-ladle init to create cluster and shardman-ladle addnodes to register all nodes. Cluster specification is instantiated from shmnspec.json.j2; cluster name and path to data dir is taken from ansible vars (defaults in group_vars/all.yml)


╘═> vagrant ssh node1

vagrant@vg1:~$ sudo -iu ubuntu

to get into the cluster node. Then use

ubuntu@vg1:~$ shardmanctl getconnstr --cluster-name haha
dbname=postgres host=vg2,vg1,vg3,vg4,vg3,vg4,vg1,vg2 port=5432,5433,5432,5433,5433,5432,5432,5433 user=ubuntu

to get Postgres connstring and

ubuntu@vg1:~$ psql "dbname=postgres host=vg1 port=5432 user=ubuntu"

to open psql console.

Using the cluster

All functions are in shardman schema.


hash_shard_table(relid regclass, nparts int, colocate_with regclass = null) returns void

is used to hash shard table relid to nparts partitions. If colocate_with is not null, partitions are placed to the same repgroups as partitions of colocate_with table.

Table must present on all repgroups and be partitioned by hash. By default, shardman broadcasts some utility statements to all repgroups automatically if this makes sense and supported, including CREATE TABLE. shardman.broadcast_utility GUC which can be set at any time controls this behaviour: when off, no statements are broadcasted.


create table pt (id serial, payload real) partition by hash(id);
select shardman.hash_shard_table('pt', 10);

To execute a piece of SQL manually on all repgroups,

bcst_all_sql(cmd text) returns void

can be used. That way, the final set of commands to create and fill up sharded table may look like:

SELECT shardman.bcst_all_sql('CREATE TABLE test (id integer primary key, company_id integer) PARTITION BY hash(id)');
SELECT shardman.hash_shard_table('test', 4);
INSERT INTO test SELECT s, s/20 FROM generate_series(1, 10000) s;

New repgroups can be added at any time with shardman-ladle addnodes. Initially they don't hold any data; to rebalance, use shardmanctl rebalance.


When track_global_snapshots PG is set, option postgres_fdw.use_global_snapshots can be used on per-transaction basis. When it is true and transaction touches multiple replication groups, two-phase commit is performed for atomicity and global snapshots ensure global REPEATABLE READ visibility. Hanged PREPARED transactions are resolved automatically by monitor daemon.

Global snapshots support only REPEATABLE READ isolation level. Also, such global transactions must start on all participant nodes within global_snapshot_defer_time seconds after beginning, otherwise they will be aborted.

It makes sense to use synchronousReplication of Stolon. Otherwise, not only there is a chance to lose some latest transactions as in usual async replication, but also parts of distributed transactions might evaporate.