- 0
Compatibility with newspage extension
#34 opened by panteror - 0
#35 opened by micka76600 - 2
To share the content from the post
#31 opened by Galixte - 2
All share options share login page not article
#29 opened by thetgc - 4
phpBB 3.2.x version
#25 opened by Galixte - 3
Facebook Share
#21 opened by Galixte - 4
Problem phpbb 3.1.X
#18 opened by Amaury123 - 1
phpBB 3.1 support?
#17 opened by meulie - 1
- 1
A problem in arabic forum RTL
#7 opened by vinny - 1
Add forum_id to shared URLs
#9 opened by vinny - 1
#8 opened by vinny