
Blackbird - Open Source JavaScript Logging Utility

Primary LanguageJavaScript

  Blackbird - Open Source JavaScript Logging Utility
  Author: G Scott Olson
  Web: http://blackbirdjs.googlecode.com/
  Version: 1.0

  The MIT License - Copyright (c) 2008 Blackbird Project

Adding Blackbird to your page:

   1. Include blackbird.js in your page.
   2. Inlcude blackbird.css in your page.

Your HTML source should look similar to the following code:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="/PATH/TO/blackbird.js"></script>
    <link type="text/css" rel="Stylesheet" href="/PATH/TO/blackbird.css" />

Demos, API, and more at: http://www.gscottolson.com/blackbirdjs/