Boxscore Widget

The Boxscore is the goto widget on any sports site to get quick information about a game. ESPN, Fox Sports, theScore, and many others have solutions.


Getting started

First, make sure that node and mongodb are both installed on your local machine. Next, start the mongodb daemon.

To run the application locally, you can:

  • Clone the repo: git clone
  • Install all necessary dependencies: npm install
  • Start both the client and server dev. processes: npm run dev

Finally, navigate to http://localhost:8000


Links to both the NodeJS Server repo, and the React App repo.

  • The NodeJS Server should:
    • Consume and store the feed data from the feeds above, in a database.
    • Contain endpoints that allowing the React app to consume data from the database.
    • Be simple and straightforward to run. Think yarn start or npm start.
  • The React app should:
    • Consume the NodeJS API, and will feed data into the components.
    • Also, be simple and straighforward to get running.

Possible improvements and optimizations

Here are some improvements that could be made:

  • A testing suite, such as Jest, could be used
  • A production build of webpack could be generated (compressed and uglified)
  • Typechecking could be used ie. React PropTypes
  • Another database could be used for caching data (ie. Redis)