
Fork from luanfujun/deep-photo-styletransfer

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Fork from deep-photo-styletransfer


  • Remove redundancy in examples
  • Add -v6 flag in gen_laplacian.m when using octave

Detail Instructions


  • Install Octave
sudo apt-get install octave
sudo apt-get install octave-control octave-image octave-io octave-optim octave-signal octave-statistics

  • Install torch
git clone https://github.com/torch/distro.git ~/torch --recursive
cd ~/torch; 
bash install-deps; # maybe skip 
sudo apt-get install libmatio2
luarocks install matio
luarocks install loadcaffe
  • Download pre-trained VGG-19 model
sh models/download_models.sh
  • Compile extra cuda lib (Modify the first two lines in makefile, then make it)
make clean && make


  • Please make sure the all png images has longer side less than 700px, resize_images.py will help to do that.

  • Generate laplacian matrix (Takes really long, matlab is faster)

cd gen_laplacian;
octave gen_laplacian.m --no-gui
  • Masks with the same color is in the same group.
  • Ok let's go
python gen_all.py
  • Test successfully on TITAN X with 12GB memory, no OOM issues.