
GhostBin is a lightweight, high-performance pastebin built with Go and Redis. Designed with simplicity and speed in mind, GhostBin offers a fast and efficient platform for sharing text snippets effortlessly.

Primary LanguageGoBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause



GhostBin is a lightweight, high-performance pastebin built with Go and Redis. Designed with simplicity and speed in mind, GhostBin offers a fast and efficient platform for sharing text snippets effortlessly.


Table of Contents

How To Use GhostBin

Basic Usage

# Upload a file
$ curl -F "f=@filename.ext" gbin.me

Pipe Output of a Command

# Pipe output of a command
$ cat file | curl -F "f=@-" gbin.me
$ find /var/log/nginx -name "*.log" | curl -F "f=@-" gbin.me

Burn and Expire

# Paste will expire after 69 seconds
$ curl -F "f=@filename.ext" -F "expire=69" gbin.me

# Paste will expire after 3 reads
$ curl -F "f=@filename.ext" -F "read=3" gbin.me

# Set a custom URL length
$ curl -F "f=@filename.ext" -F "deepurl=3" gbin.me

Secure Deletion

# Set a secret for deletion
$ curl -F "f=@filename.ext" -F "secret=password" gbin.me

# Delete paste using secret
$ curl -XDELETE -F "secret=password" gbin.me/pasteid


# Create a paste with specific settings
$ curl -F "f=@filename.ext" -F "deepurl=12" -F "expire=69" -F "read=1" gbin.me

For more details and advanced usage, please refer to the documentation.


Want to run a server like this? clone it! Remember centralization is bad.

Built With.

  • Docker - Platform and Software Deployment
  • Go - Backend Frame-work.
  • Redis - DataStore DataStore


Make sure you have git, make and Docker installed.

Docker Compose

GhostBin can be easily deployed using Docker Compose. Follow these steps to deploy GhostBin:

  1. Clone Repository: Clone the GhostBin repository to your server.

  2. Configuration: Duplicate the env-example file and rename it as .env.dev for local development or .env.prod for the production environment. Customize the contents of these files according to your requirements.

  3. Build: Build the Docker images for GhostBin using the provided Makefile command:

    make build
  4. Development Environment:

    make up-dev
  5. Production Environment:

    make up-prod
  6. Access Logs:

    To access logs, you can use:

    make logs

    To tail logs in real-time:

    make logs-tail
  7. Additional Commands:

    • make down-dev / make down-prod: Shutdown the development/production environment.
    • make restart-dev / make restart-prod: Restart the development/production environment.
    • make exec-dev / make exec-prod: Access the shell of the development/production container.


I am presently working on writing the unit tests. šŸ« 

Current Test Coverage


  • Write test for handlers
  • Refactor the code
  • Write a pastebin client with shell script
  • Write file delete daemon


Contributions to GhostBin are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on our GitHub repository.


GhostBin is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.


Pull requests are welcome.

For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


You can support this project via Liberapay. The monthly hosting cost is right now 12 Dollar.

Monero wallet address: 83BDAy6tN99PVud2sUnjyoMzsUDdXJCoMjjwJ59cVwPF91RccxLWCVsfD9imMqxUaMhMG1brzuVBeAM4KREUSf9U9efbKx1