
ansible script for kuberentes cluster

Connecting multiple kubernetes clusters

This respository explains how we can connect multiple kubernetes clusters using the submariner tool https://submariner.io/

[This repository has been tested on VM's that were created in AWS cloud]

Management VM

Create a management VM from where we can run all the commands, please make sure this VM has following tools installed

  1. ansible https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-ansible-on-ubuntu-22-04

  2. kubectl https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/

  3. subctl
    curl -Ls https://get.submariner.io | bash export PATH=$PATH:/.local/bin echo export PATH=$PATH:/.local/bin >> ~/.profile

Source Code

The playbook directory has the ansible script to create kubernetes cluster


The inventory.yaml should be edited as per your VM host IPs and security credentials [pem file] This kubernetes cluster makes use of flannel CNI plugin hence the Pod_subnet range should always be 10.244.x.x/16

Test Pods

The test folder contains the deployment and service configuration for the pods that are installed in these cluster and are used to test the communication

nginx-demo.yaml -> This creates a nginx pod in one of the cluster with cluster IP configuration netshoot.yaml -> This is deployed on another cluster to test the ping/curl to the nginx pod which is another cluster

Kubernetes clusters

Following is the list of kubernetes clusters we can create

  1. Broker cluster - 2 VM [one master and one worker]
  2. Cluster A - 2 VM [one master and one worker]
  3. Cluster B - 2 VM [one master and one worker]

Note: Here i have considered separate cluster for broker, we can also accomodate broker in any of the cluster A or B also

Create Clusters

Clone the repository in the management VM Create a total of 6 VM's for all the 3 clusters and record their IPs, Make sure the worker node of each worker has a public IP and can be accessed from outside; also make sure the Security group setting allows all kind of inbound/outbound traffic to all these 6 VM's

Modify the inventory.yaml with the host IP address recorded above for VM's and security credentials[pem file] and execute in following order for each cluster

  1. Update dependencies

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml kube-dependencies.yaml

  1. Create master node

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml master.yaml

  1. Create worker nodes

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml workers.yaml

Install Submariner and connect two kuberentes clusters

Deploy Broker

Login to the Management VM and deploy broker

subctl deploy-broker --kubeconfig broker-kubeconfig

Join Cluster A and B to this Broker

subctl join --kubeconfig clustera-kubeconfig broker-info.subm --clusterid cluster-a

subctl join --kubeconfig clusterb-kubeconfig broker-info.subm --clusterid cluster-b


  1. broker-info.subm is the file auto generated from above command of deploy broker
  2. copy the kubeconfig which is present in /home/ubuntu/.kube/config folder of each kubernetes cluster and save it in the management VM
  3. clusterid - this is a userdefined id

Login to Broker VM

Check cluster

kubectl get clusters --all-namespaces

Describe clusters

kubectl describe cluster --all-namespaces

Check Endpoint

kubectl get endpoint --all-namespaces

Login to Cluster B

Create nginx Deployment with its service with cluster IP

Note: copy the test/nginx-demo.yaml on the cluster B master node

kubectl apply -f nginx-demo.yaml

Check nginx service info

kubectl get svc -l app=nginx-demo

Note: Note down the cluster IP of nginx service

Login to Cluster A

Create netshoot deployment

Note: copy the test/netshoot.yaml on the cluster A master node

kubectl apply -f netshoot.yaml

Get netshoot pod name

kubectl get pods -l app=netshoot Note: Record the name of the pod

Curl Nginx in Cluster A from Cluster B netshoot pod

Note: netshoot-77998fd997-bh9sj is the pod name

kubectl exec netshoot-77998fd997-bh9sj -- curl [ClusterIP of Nginx-demo]