
Process image to capture text and then use tesseract to computer OCR

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


sudo apt-get install python-imaging

sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr

sudo apt-get install python-opencv


Before processing

  1. First process the image

python process_image.py test.jpg text.jpg

After processing

  1. Extract text

python extract_text.py


4 WkiJre €99 Bread

A good, basic white bread.


I. 21/2 cups lukewarm water
2 packages dry yeast
1/4 cup honey
1 cup dry mile
2 eggs, beaten
4 cups unbleached white flour

II. 4 teaspoons salt
1/3 cup butter or margarine
3 caps or inore unbleached white flour for forming the dough
1 cup (approx.) white flour for kneadian

Proceed with the directions for recipe #1, adding the beaten eggs afte
stirring in the dry milk.

is moister and chewier than the white e ;g bread.

'3. ' " er
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process_image implemented in Python using OpenCV by Jason Funk Copyright (c) 2012,based on the paper "Font and Background Color Independent Text Binarization" by T Kasar, J Kumar and A G Ramakrishnan http://www.m.cs.osakafu-u.ac.jp/cbdar2007/proceedings/papers/O1-1.pdf