ToIP Steering Committee: Top-level governance for the ToIP Foundation.

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ToIP Foundation Steering Committee

The Steering Committee (SC) is the top-level governing body governing body of the ToIP Foundation which adheres to the organization's governance polices.

SC Scope

The SC is responsible for the ToIP Foundation project as outlined and scoped in the [SC Charter][SC_Charter.md].

List of SC Responsibilities

The SC exercises autonomy in setting up and maintaining procedures, policies, and management and administrative structures as it deems appropriate for the maintenance and operation of these projects and resources.

Included in the responsibilities of the SC are:

  • Managing code and documentation creation and changes for the listed projects and resources
  • Setting and maintaining standards covering contributions of code, documentation and other materials
  • Managing code and binary releases: types, schedules, frequency, delivery mechanisms
  • Making decisions regarding dependencies of the ToIP Foundation project, including what those dependencies are and how they are bundled with source code and releases
  • Creating new repositories and projects under the trustoverip GitHub organization as required
  • Setting overall technical direction for the ToIP Foundation project, including high-level goals and low-level specifics regarding features and functionality
  • Setting and maintaining appropriate standards for community discourse via the various mediums under SC control
  • Setting and maintaining governance rules for the conduct and make-up of the SC, Working Groups and other bodies within the SC's domain

Many of these responsibilities will be delegated by the SC to appropriate bodies such as the Working Groups.

SC Members

TSC members are responsible for top level technical community concerns. The role is mostly administrative and is responsible for admitting new Top Level Projects, Top Level Working Groups, and advocating for any needs in the technical side of the project to the OpenJS Foundation Board of Directors.

SC members can nominate new members at any time. Candidates for membership tend to be people who have a competency for community management and a high tolerance and patience for process minutiae as the TSC delegates most of its responsibilities to other projects and working groups.

A current list of SC members is maintained on the website.


Many teams/groups may desire to post videos to the ToIP YouTube channel. The creation and management of this channel requires the creation and management of a Google Plus account.

To request access, open an issue.

Any GitHub team maintainer is allowed Manager access to the Google Plus account allowing them to add/manage video content and schedule events (live broadcasts).

Members of the SC are allowed Owner access to the Google Plus account. This role can do all Manager activities and add/remove other members from the Google Plus account.

TODO: Establish process for ToIP Google Plus account.

Strategic Initiatives

At any one time the ToIP Foundation project may have a number of strategic initiatives underway. The goal of the SC is to have a champion for each of these initiatives and to support the initiatives in order to enable their success.

For more information look here: Strategic Initiatives

Top-Level WGs and Task Forces

Policy Change Proposal Process

The SC is chartered to oversee the technical governance of all Top Level Projects and Working Groups under ToIP. The SC establishes the default governance, conduct, and licensing policies for all Top Level Projects. Top Level Working Groups and Task Forces have broad powers of self-governance.

To propose a change or addition to policies or processes that are intended to cover all Top Level Projects and Working Groups in the foundation, a PR should be opened in the trsutoverip/SC repository.

The pull request can be labeled sc-agenda to request that it be put on the agenda for the next TSC meeting.