
TicTacToe game using socket.io & socket.io-client package

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tic-Tac-Toe game implemented in NodeJS with sockets.

Use npm install to install the dependencies

The server can be started like:

node  server.js 5050

Once the server started, it will listen on the specified port (5050) for clients to connect.

The client will be started like:

node client.js 5050

The client will connect to the server at the specified IP ( and port (5050). Upon connection the client will display a message and prompt, like:

connected to 5050

When two clients have connected to the server, the game will begin. The server will send each client the message:

Game started. You are the [first | second] player.

The first player can then send a move like:

> 5

This move would place an ‘X’ at square number 5.

The Tic-Tac-Toe board is numbered like this:

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

When the move is accepted by the server, it sends the current board position to both clients, like:

. . .
. X .
. . .

Let’s say the second player make the move:

> 9

Both clients would then receive the new board position of:

. . .
. X .
. . O

Either player can resign the game at anytime, by sending ‘r’. When the game is over, the server sends both players a result message, like:

Game won by [first | second] player.


Game is tied.

The clients close the connection to the server after the game is over. The clients can connect again to play another game.